Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Logs => Topic started by: Berty Wooster on May 05, 2004, 01:21:21 pm

Title: fastest induction and uninduction
Post by: Berty Wooster on May 05, 2004, 01:21:21 pm
[log]You have been inducted into The Army of Takhisis!
The Dark Queen empowers you to call forth elvenbane.
The Dark Queen empowers you to call for a dragon mount.
You are granted the power to use defilement of Takhisis.
The Dark Queen empowers you to invoke draconian holocaust.
The Dark Queen grants you the ability to protect yourself with phantasmal
You feel empowered by The Army of Takhisis's domination of The Knights of

<818hp 593m 288mv 1661874 N> where
Players near you:
(PK) It'me    In a valley of the Kharolis Mountains

<818hp 593m 288mv 1661874 N>
You are no longer a member of The Army of Takhisis.

<818hp 593m 288mv 1661874 N>
An elven ranger checks the ground for tracks.

<818hp 593m 288mv 1661874 N>
An Unseen God tells you 'Sorry'

Title: Re:fastest induction and uninduction
Post by: Jemma on May 05, 2004, 02:44:10 pm
LOL sorry Berty, that just cracked me up. At least you didnt log out in their clan hall, and come back in to be massacred by whatever they have in there.

;) I was inducted ... once ... into warders, was time to go, I re-entered and WHAM BAM thank you ... I was dead .. lol (yeah, I need another coffee. My humor is going haywire ;)  ) Have a great one Berty. :)

Title: Re:fastest induction and uninduction
Post by: Sefuirosu on May 05, 2004, 10:49:43 pm
Haha, excellent.