Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Logs => Topic started by: Musty on May 18, 2004, 02:40:08 pm

Title: Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Musty on May 18, 2004, 02:40:08 pm
He may not have a very high intelligence compared to others, but Remoh's not that slow.   ;)

[log]<691hp 348m 159mv 361129tnl  Exits:EWU> quaff return
You quaff a potion of return.
Inside the temple of the Silver moon

[Exits: north]
(White Aura) A healer is here preaching the word of Gilean.

<691hp 348m 79mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND>
The sun slowly disappears in the west.

<727hp 348m 107mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND>
The night has begun.

<751hp 348m 135mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND>
Someone makes unseen god say 'remoh, drop your swords. I need to check it. It se
ems something wrong with one of them'.

<751hp 348m 135mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND>
The silvery light of Solinari rises in the night sky.

<786hp 348m 163mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND>
A small rat scurries past your feet and into the shadows.

<786hp 348m 163mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND> say Eh?
You say 'Eh?'

<786hp 348m 163mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND> Inside the temple of the Silver moon
  You stand within a temple adorned with silver lined doors and glinting
silver speckles in the stone slates. You can go north into the temple
courtyard, and those who are level 7 or below may go DOWN into Mud school.

[Exits: north]
(White Aura) A healer is here preaching the word of Gilean.

<786hp 348m 163mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND> peer
You peer around yourself intently.

<786hp 348m 163mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND>
Unseen god says 'I will look on them and return.'.

<786hp 348m 163mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND> say Who's there, eh?  Show yerself.
You say 'Who's there, eh?  Show yerself.'

<821hp 348m 191mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND>
A cold mist rises from the street and blows away in the wind.

<821hp 348m 191mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND>
Unseen god says 'you don't need to know it, mortal'.

<821hp 348m 191mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND> ponder

You catch a glimpse of dark shadows as the street torches flicker.

<864hp 348m 219mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND> You ponder the question.

<864hp 348m 219mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND>
A torch flickers and dies, leaving a dark region along the street.

<864hp 348m 219mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND> say Ah don't trust it.  No one makes th'g
ods o'th'land say anythin'.
You say 'Ah don't trust it.  No one makes th'gods o'th'land say anythin'.'

<864hp 348m 219mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND>
The chiming of bells echo in the night as midnight passes.
You feel solid again.
You slowly float to the ground.
You no longer see in the dark.

<888hp 348m 247mv 361129tnl  Exits:N> say 'f'yer really a god, do somethin' godl

A cold mist rises from the street and blows away in the wind.

<888hp 348m 247mv 361129tnl  Exits:N> You say ''f'yer really a god, do somethin' godlike.'

<888hp 348m 247mv 361129tnl  Exits:N> stance def
You stand-down and take things into better consideration.

<888hp 348m 247mv 361129tnl  Exits:N> !
You concentrate fully on defending yourself from harm.

<888hp 348m 247mv 361129tnl  Exits:N> toughen
You flex your muscles and toughen yourself against injury!

<888hp 298m 247mv 361129tnl  Exits:N>
Someone makes unseen god say 'well. you don't trust gods. you will lose everything'.

<888hp 298m 247mv 361129tnl  Exits:N> smirk
You smirk.

<901hp 316m 275mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND>
A blacksmith yells 'Best blades made here, buy ye blades here!'

<901hp 316m 275mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND> say Not to a trickster, ah won't.
You say 'Not to a trickster, ah won't.'

<901hp 316m 275mv 361129tnl  Exits:ND> quit
The realm will await your return.
%%% Disconnected from server.[/log]

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Musty on May 18, 2004, 02:58:05 pm
Looks like he got another victim, too.  Poor crazyhorse   :(;action=display;threadid=953

Hooray for being paranoid!  It's his paranoia that keeps Remoh alive.

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: crazyhorse on May 18, 2004, 03:00:06 pm
looks i be slow one

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Kiri-Jolith on May 18, 2004, 03:32:49 pm
If someone could pass me name and IP address of this moron, you won't meet him again for quite a long time.

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: crazyhorse on May 18, 2004, 03:55:29 pm
dark elf necro ?

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: crazyhorse on May 18, 2004, 03:58:36 pm

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: crazyhorse on May 18, 2004, 04:00:31 pm
all fun i am sure no harm meant

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Musty on May 18, 2004, 04:52:53 pm
Yeah, seems a bit harsh to ban him right off for it.  He was impersonating an immortal, though, so I suppose the punishment for that should be harsh.  Maybe give him a stern warning, and leave him in the Realm of the Dead for a week or something?

His fate's entirely in the hands of the real unseen gods, now!   ;)

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: crazyhorse on May 18, 2004, 04:55:06 pm
I only mention because  wanted to know why eq faulty. not to have player punish for stupid act
his stupidity not his fault

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: crazyhorse on May 18, 2004, 04:55:48 pm
my stupidity at fault for trusting
no one to be trusted

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Laeran on May 18, 2004, 04:56:46 pm
If someone could pass me name and IP address of this moron, you won't meet him again for quite a long time.
What rule did that "moron" break, anyway?

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Critic on May 18, 2004, 04:58:02 pm
ventrilocate or smth like... nice spell, zyrd rules :)

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Misoth on May 18, 2004, 05:03:45 pm
ventrilocate or smth like... nice spell, zyrd rules :)

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Kiri-Jolith on May 18, 2004, 05:31:46 pm
Zyrd won't cast this spell anymore.

He has broken a roleplay rule, you must not try to assume an Immortal's appearance.

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: crazyhorse on May 18, 2004, 05:47:30 pm
not an appearance I could see
he just funnin
could see no form
i want to know why eq bad not make trouble for him

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Laeran on May 18, 2004, 05:51:03 pm
Zyrd won't cast this spell anymore.

He has broken a roleplay rule, you must not try to assume an Immortal's appearance.

He tried to pretend that he is a god... Not sure that there is any RP problem at all.

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Bajoi on May 18, 2004, 06:04:56 pm
Zyrd rule!  8)

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Musty on May 18, 2004, 06:07:31 pm
Well shucks, now I feel bad for posting.   :-\

Didn't want to get anyone in trouble.. just figured it was a funny incident.

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Swerz on May 18, 2004, 06:12:51 pm
Kiri using ooc :)) lol :) kill da Kiri :)

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: crazyhorse on May 18, 2004, 06:22:10 pm
Well shucks, now I feel bad for posting.   :-\

Didn't want to get anyone in trouble.. just figured it was a funny incident.


Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Majere on May 18, 2004, 07:24:36 pm
To impersonate "an Unseen God" is to try and be a function of the MUD. Now, if someone assumes my appearance on MS, I'll smite them for being a cheeky get. That's roleplayed, c dopple majere or whatever. However, being an Unseen God is an unfair advantage and can trick other users.

Hence it breaks a rule.

A law is something mortals deal with. A rule is something immortals deal with.

If you involve the Gods, you're dicing with the rules ;) Simple as that.

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Exclusive on May 18, 2004, 11:37:05 pm
I had the same incident with Zyrd and it wasn't seem to me to be funny..

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Jemma on May 23, 2004, 03:52:25 pm
Exclusive .. this has nothing to do with this segment but wow. Love the avatar you have there . :)

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Aringmarol on May 27, 2004, 11:42:15 am

"Zyrd won't cast this spell anymore.

He has broken a roleplay rule, you must not try to assume an Immortal's appearance. "

i think nope, read saga, Taselhoff in first book, talk us black Dragon!

this is some sort.

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Jemma on May 27, 2004, 12:52:48 pm

"Zyrd won't cast this spell anymore.

He has broken a roleplay rule, you must not try to assume an Immortal's appearance. "

i think nope, read saga, Taselhoff in first book, talk us black Dragon!

this is some sort.


Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: kyberus on May 28, 2004, 01:22:21 am
Its not a roleplay rule
its a rule
like "Thow shalt not abuse bugs"
roleplay wise, its fine

but they cannot have people impersonating unseen gods because its like the people who impersonate credit card companies to get your personal information, they are pretending to be a god on OOC pretenses, such as searching for glitched eq, it is a bad thing, because it is no longer a roleplay matter it is a system admin type matter

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Kite on June 01, 2004, 03:10:34 pm
Cant agree with you, i think it wouldn't cause any problems if it have been done in more rp way, may be in this one:
Unseen God says ' I have heard about your outstanding behaviour as a follower of dark queen/good/evil/etc and as a representative of immortals i want to make a present for you, if you land me your weapon i will empower it with powerfull enchantment, to horrify your enemies'
I would like to see reply of Kiri-Jolith and Chemosh on this one ^))
is it allowed ?

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Hiddukel on June 02, 2004, 06:39:40 pm
I like it :)

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: kyberus on June 03, 2004, 06:50:04 am
Actually, I like that too...

what I should have said was that it was bad if they were immitating admins
ie: asking to check eq for problems
then thats bad because no-one knows, it might just be a low-level immortal who doesn't have that command that creates thingies yet,
but does have smite... (cowers from rain of lightning bolts and extreme health-halving pain :o)

Title: Re:Someone makes an unseen god dance a jig.
Post by: Jemma on June 03, 2004, 10:21:58 am
You would like it Hiddukel. Appeals to your .... your ....  warpness? hmm Your Warpness yeah, Lord Warpness ;)

I think the original quiry about this incident was not as a form of complaint, but just the mere fact someone wished to know what was wrong with the item requested as they did not understand.

Newbies might not know about the tricks of such people, and just wish to learn and find out? Things sure get blown out of proportion. :)

Talk about out of proportion ... anyone know how much gold is up for the heads of the lasted Richard Craniums  (the cleric and his llittle boy thief )