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Solace II / Ideas / Re: Knights
on: December 06, 2004, 02:01:25 am
I like pugil in just about any circumstance as a knight, with their current abilities. Unmounted, nice survival is defensive with a staff and pugil, or even mounted is nice 
Solace II / Logs / Re: Just a day of fighter's life
on: December 04, 2004, 04:52:10 am
OK, sure, fair enough...but, um, my question was to Taiko about the wording of that... "You're able to cast" implies that maybe some are unable to...? That's what my confusion is about 
Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Camouflage
on: December 03, 2004, 02:44:36 am
Nah, mastered hide already, so it's fine, but was just mentioning it  And Jemma, you can vis from camo too, but that won't help 
Solace II / BUGS / Um...what?
on: December 02, 2004, 05:04:40 am
(This is a new character, btw, not logging into existing one) Welcome to Solace, by what name shall you be known? Tyrian V xœH,..Ï/J±Rø%Ë© 
Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Kidnap
on: December 01, 2004, 06:20:07 am
Who are you trying to kidnap? Might be high saves, or, if you're trying on mobs, probably doesn't work on them.
Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Weapon flags
on: November 30, 2004, 04:37:11 pm
Vorpal means there's a chance to do extra damage on your attack, like a critical hit without a message Your slice MUTILATES so-and-so. Your slice MANGLES so-and-so. From the same weapon.
Solace II / BUGS / Re: Questinfo (or quests)
on: November 30, 2004, 06:30:27 am
Like I said, I had no recall potions left, so didn't make it back to check, but I'll see what happens next time I die 
Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Trolls
on: November 30, 2004, 04:39:50 am
Actually this is a bit important...should Warders protect any mob who spawns inside a forest, or use judgement to protect the rightful inhabitants of the forest, and the forest itself? Personally I think the latter, but generally Warders I speak with think the former...
Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Trolls
on: November 30, 2004, 03:14:07 am
Anti-ranger doesn't want those trolls taking all of his tree-frags! And I've been wondering about this for a while, don't think the destroyers of forests should be protected by the guardians of the forest 
Solace II / BUGS / Mob's mobs
on: November 30, 2004, 02:38:23 am
Seems that when mobs summon other mobs to fight, they're protected... Deathknight Malaclypse summons an undead knight, but it always says The gods protect an undead knight from you.
Example: You recite a sweet mystical tune. Your fingers flare with brilliant blue light as you empower your magic! You send forth a ball of fire. The gods protect an undead knight from you. The gods protect an undead knight from you. Your fireball *** DEVASTATES *** the Deathknight Malaclypse!