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Solace II / Ideas / Re: Knights
on: December 06, 2004, 11:39:10 am
Since overhead suxxed a lot, pugil now is considered useful (it is much more powerful now than overhead). The only thing is that you can't start a fight with a pugil.
I recall there was a contra situation a great while ago ;)
Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: hummm this is weird
on: December 05, 2004, 10:25:48 pm
unspeakable is the maximum possible damage so it can damage you up to infinity ;)
// Yeah, I know that this information is worthless, just got nothing to do this evening then to read all 'dis posts ;)))
2Raider: as you are leaving and coming back on regular basis (seems there is completely boredom in your damn-cold siberian town, come to Moscow, ole cheater, we can get drunk here and not once;)) I will synchronize my watches with those events from now ;) cann't I? ;)
Solace II / Ideas / Re: PK system.
on: December 05, 2004, 10:21:16 pm
2galihad: as you are studying networkings, that might be useful for you, that you can find out the true ip of the client among the server variables, if he is not using ananonymous proxy, which is quiet hard to find, at least a real and free one ;) In addition, they can use a proxy list to ban well-known fast proxies.. yet dynamic ip still rocks and help a lot in little-nasty-things-they-call-cheats ;)))
you know..
Solace II / Ideas / Re: Knight races
on: December 05, 2004, 10:15:33 pm
According to the background of the MUD that is completely forgotten by all the implementors *tip* and players *sieg-hail*, knights can only be of human race, with some small exceptions for the heroes of Lance War.
Solace II / Logs / Re: Just a day of fighter's life
on: December 05, 2004, 10:09:02 pm
Taiko, you're damned meteor-eater, turn your icq on next time.. there some pretty-good-payed work for ya was around last week ;(
Nomiro, aren't you from Piter, btw?
Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re: Блин..
on: November 28, 2004, 05:14:49 pm
Ой, да чиго эта йа?..
Месотх на самом деле наш человек, праффда, Месотъ? Месотъ, а ты вот скажи, тока чтоб как на духу, у тебя йахта есть?
Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re: Блин..
on: November 28, 2004, 04:14:17 pm
Joke не прошёл ну и фиг с ним, как говориться.. а чё это ты, Мисотина, на меня выёживаешься на форуме, собака виртуальная?..
Solace II / Logs / Re: contract
on: November 28, 2004, 04:08:57 pm
As I know, they are somehow alive, but not as a Team anyway.. And there are also some guys from the latest MIPT around, but I currenly wonder who's the hell this kender is, couse his e-mail looks funny ^)
Solace II / Logs / Re: contract
on: November 26, 2004, 10:02:41 am
What the differ?
Just curious, if MIPTs are kicking asses here tonight once again or it's just MIPT's ass being kicked.. ;) Anyways, if you are who you are, hails to old groupmate + thanks for leveling newbie (err, '99) ;)))
Solace II / Logs / Re: contract
on: November 25, 2004, 12:30:45 pm
А Кендер это чё настоящий Хрумус-Шурик который с ФизТеха?..