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News: Tag [log][/log] is still available for posting logs.

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1  Solace II / Logs / Re:Colored Logs on: March 26, 2004, 02:00:24 pm
or contact with allnetworks's owner Smiley

We do not negotiate with terrorists. (joke) Maybe we will.

Now two questions.
1. Anybody knows how to make voting questionary here? Smiley
2. Questionary. PLease choose one.

I prefer:
a) not  formatted or purelly formated logs on this  forum
b) I prefer formated logs on another forum and keep this one for other messages.
c) I prefer a bit more pure forum that will be built-in solace site but with formated logs and other MUD features inside
2  Solace II / Logs / Re:Colored Logs on: March 25, 2004, 09:15:25 pm
Is it not very hard to make colored logs, like it was on  "allnetwork"?

I will write script that surronds damage with red colors using syntaxis of this forum like

But I not sure how make background black for logs here. Smiley

Maybe we will choose or make another forum for logs.
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