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Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re: 2тов. Кири-Джолит
on: September 02, 2004, 12:37:42 pm
есть модераторы, которые умеют модерировать и таких топиков (даже этот например) просто никто не успевает заметить а писать - я закрыл этот топик потому-то, это себя не уважать
Solace II / Logs / Re: Guardian Cheats Ugh
on: September 01, 2004, 11:33:20 am
This idiot wanted my poor gnome several time for no reason, and then he or somebody else removed flag.
Solace II / Common Discussions / IMPORTANT: Some final words.
on: August 27, 2004, 08:33:38 am
Chemosh, listen. I never discussed neither immortal words nor their actions. And I know a lot of people who didn't do it as me. We're just playing and having fun. Just ban those who you think should be banned and let other enjoy the best mud.