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Solace II / Logs / Re:this really must be fixed somehow
on: July 08, 2004, 04:44:29 pm
2 Lynx. Ah, I've got the idea. anyway, I deleted Sokaie, so going to do as you are...just will wait till all these changes end and will start to play again. Dun wanna spoil my game-time with nervious thoughts of how-not-to-get-pissed-off-coz-of-new-Kiri-changes. во! and the last feats increase channel? I can think only about mind over body and toughness. But hm...toughness must be non-mage feat for for mind over body, do not induct mages who took it to Tower and thats it. By RP reason, of course.
Solace II / Logs / Re:this really must be fixed somehow
on: July 08, 2004, 04:38:31 pm
blind 2 hours to master??? hm. you talk nonsense.
dun remember about blind - played necro only once....but ELF invoker or abjura master any spells on triggers-victim-drinking wine-sleeping never less than 3 hours even for the simpliest spell like faerie fire or armor. Sleeping also on triggers.
And elf has 25 intelligence. and if we talk about invoker, try to master animate object for 100 mana cost and I will look at ya.
Solace II / Logs / Re:this really must be fixed somehow
on: July 08, 2004, 03:51:33 pm
Maniacus, I don't speak about cheaters.
and if you think that it is harder to master mino-fighter than invoker, nothing i can say. First of all, mino doesn't really need to master everything. And Invoker or Necro MUST. That is the difference.
I ranked up as Sokaie honestly about 2 weeks up to 25 rank. Mastered myself and waited for Tael 2 weeks more. Then ranked up to hero. Mastering and gathering money, got involved into clan wars and so on. So, when I reached hero, I still had channel 1:1.1, spellfire which fizzles very often and thats it of clan powers I can find useful.
if Tower rocked or rocks it is not because mages were overpowered but only because good players within (I don't mean me, of course). So, why it is a way to decrease something only coz someone rocks in good balanced system as Tower was, I still can't understand.
Every player knows that priest of Chislev is overpowered, but no one touch poor old Trum.
Everyone sees that changes with Solamnia is not only powerful, but also illogical, but no one cares. But everyone says "ah, Tower gopa". Where's gopa? Or we all sit in irc and gops everyone? It is not true.
Solace II / Logs / Re:this really must be fixed somehow
on: July 08, 2004, 03:34:10 pm
Hiddukel, Tower must rule and it was so and there wasn't any complains and reduces before Kiri-Jolith started to do his changes.
1. it is the hardest thing to get hero invoker (abjura or necro) even in Tower. I don't say how much time he has to spend in drinking wine and cast spells to master. So, the logic is clear - the harder you gain ranks, the stronger you are compared to other. Priest or ranger or knight are the easiest classes to rank up.
2. Tower has all kind of players (good, neutral, evil) - so it has to gain best benefits of it.
But, Kiri-Jolith disagrees. He increased Solamnia even that it doesn't help it and reduce Tower so much that it is not even interesting to play.
Just tell me, how it is even POSSIBLE that Shadowbane works against good-aligned people?? isn't it too much? Why all mobiles started to absolutly deflect spellfire sometimes? and so on and so on.
Kiri-Jolith, you must remember that you are not only the one who supports Solamnia, but also guy who apply almost all changes now and they must be balanced.
When you started to reduce Tower, mages still ruled coz of personal skills. Now to me it seems almost impossible even if there are only papas of all times in Tower.
Solace II / Logs / Re:this really must be fixed somehow
on: July 08, 2004, 09:31:33 am
2 Crusader, if it is so, I'd save against them easily. Was about 40 reflex saves or so.
So, the main idea is not that I whine about my death - not at all. Just I just think briars works TOO often. I don't know any hold skill or spell which works this way. Even paralysis on legs let you try many time during one round. And briars hold and lag. really weird.
Solace II / Logs / Re:this really must be fixed somehow
on: July 07, 2004, 08:48:29 pm
Trum, I KNOW I lost displacement. Forget it. I am talking that I did not have a chance to flee coz 100% laged by briars + lash. No chance to flee and at all during first 3 rounds.
I don't know any other class who has such a high chance to block fleeing.
Solace II / Logs / Re:this really must be fixed somehow
on: July 07, 2004, 08:45:30 pm
and the last thing.
You are highly resistant against bashing (39%) You are highly resistant against piercing (39%) You are extremely resistant against slashing (40%)
and have harden skin on + sanctuary on....and STILL your pets does decimate on me. isn't it too much?
over 500 hp per last round.
Solace II / Logs / Re:this really must be fixed somehow
on: July 07, 2004, 08:40:13 pm
oh yes.
enter room -> lag (by surprise) first round -> lag (lash) second round -> (still lag, why?) third round -> unlucky flee coz lag (briars) fourth round -> dead.
tower abjuration mage. 1150hp under sanctuary and all the spells.
if it is not overpower, I am just a newbie who entered the realms yesterday.
Solace II / Logs / Re:this really must be fixed somehow
on: July 07, 2004, 08:28:51 pm
erm. Turm, i won't discuss my luck and unluck. I was dumb coz didn't use dimention door (even that I had only 1 chance during 2 battles). Neither want to discuss your behaving.
But, briars works always this way. I never gone through them faster than in 3 tries. Usually 5-6.
You must admit that priest of Chislev is really overpowered by new abilities. Everyone knows, except Chislev and maybe Kiri-Jolith if he doesn't want to reduce it. Wall of roots which will never let non-mage person to flee from you if you manage to put curse. Briars, which will never let flee. And over 500hp of damage per LUCKY (I admit, lucky, but well...) round.
Just a priest. Yes, lousy priest.
Solace II / Logs / this really must be fixed somehow
on: July 07, 2004, 08:14:26 pm
[log] <1137/1142hp 672/772m 408mv [NES]> s Your thorny briars hits you.
<1132/1142hp 672/772m 407mv [NES]> e Your thorny briars hits you.
<1127/1142hp 672/772m 406mv [NES]> e Your thorny briars hits you.
<1122/1142hp 672/772m 405mv [NES]> e
or this....
[log] You turn around, trying to escape! Your thorny briars hits you. PANIC! You couldn't escape! [/log]
this is another room at same time and still same briars.
during this lag ANYONE can be killed. maybe lets make it depend on balance feat at least or something. or fly, or protective shield.
Solace II / Logs / Re:another day of a mage + a bug
on: July 05, 2004, 10:21:21 pm
Teili, don't piss me off. It was a bug. When I re-enter later, Chemosh himself accepted that this is a bug. If you can't see it, buy glasses and stop your insults, alright?