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1  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Forum on: December 02, 2004, 03:18:47 pm
fix codepage pls. russian words unreadable
2  Solace II / BUGS / death of clanned char on: December 01, 2004, 12:25:24 pm
if you a clan member, right after death you reborn on the clan's pit (not in town like others)
but, your eq still will appear in hometown's pit (then your corpse decays)

3  Solace II / BUGS / cleanse on: November 30, 2004, 01:56:24 pm
<265/666 4/487 189/201 694100 NSW>
You are enveloped by the silver light of Solinari.
Your backbone softens and returns to it's normal state.
You writhe in agony from the plague.
Your sickness decimates you.

<242/666 8/487 195/201 694100 NSW> Lookout Point

[Exits: north]

<242/666 8/487 191/201 694100 N> cleanse

<242/666 8/487 191/201 694100 N> You concentrate and focus your mind on your body, but fail to affect it.

<242/666 -12/487 191/201 694100 N>  // -12 mana? Smiley
On a bluff

[Exits: north south west]
Grinning evilly, a duergar lies in wait for his next victim.
A dwarf worker is here, mending the trail.
A dwarf paces here, looking for something evil to kill.

<242/666 -12/487 187/201 694100 NSW> You concentrate and focus your mind on your body.
You are mentally exhausted and can not cleanse your body further.
You aren't affected by poison or disease.  // but i'm diseased...
4  Solace II / BUGS / blood ritual on: November 27, 2004, 04:15:36 pm
You are affected by the following:
Spell sanctuary is active for 0 hours
Spell bloody ritual modifies fortitude save by 1 for 0 hours
                       modifies will save by 1 for 0 hours
                       modifies reflex save by 1 for 0 hours

<878/878 832/909 279/279 2025870 NE>
A burned skeleton checks the ground for tracks.
The white aura around your body fades.

<878/878 885/909 279/279 2025870 NE>

no message from blood ritual
5  Solace II / BUGS / Re: porcelian mask on: November 27, 2004, 02:42:08 pm
and also it dont prevent you from blind from wither

A Guardian Shadow utters the words, 'baselorti'.
A pale porcelean mask on your head glows blue.
A Guardian Shadow has some small wounds.

<531/878 350/909 279/279 2040432 S>
A Guardian Shadow utters the words, 'xahtzy'.
Your head ruptures and then shrivels as it undergoes a sudden withering!
Your eyes are desicated...you are blinded!
Someone's withering >>> ANNIHILATES <<< you!
That really did HURT!
Someone has some small wounds.

<263/878 350/909 279/279 2040432 You are blinded!>
6  Solace II / Spelling Mistakes / astral spell on: November 22, 2004, 06:52:41 pm
You are affected by the following:
Spell astral spell is active for 0 hours

<812/812 226/779 267/267 598427 S>
You stop flicking in and out of existence.
You leaves the astral plane and fade back into the material plane.

should be 'you leave the astral...'.
7  Solace II / BUGS / black robes on: November 17, 2004, 12:59:43 pm
then you roll an draconian transmuter you cant choose alignment - all draconians evil. but you see something like that:
"You must be of evil alignment.
Your alignment is evil, you will be a black-robed mage."

but there is a courple of items black_robed_only. but you cant wear it. why?

<731/731 226/853 289/291 720178 NSW> cast ident belt
You recite your magical incantation.
Object 'belt dried flesh' is type armor, extra flags glow.
Weight is 4, value is 8800, level is 19.
restrict flags black-robed_only.
Armor class is 8 pierce, 8 bash, 8 slash, and 8 vs. magic
Affects intelligence by -1.
Affects armor class by -8.
Affects mana by 35.
Affects will save by 3.
Affects reflex save by 3.

<731/731 202/853 291/291 720178 NSW> You stop using a velvet sash.
You wear a belt fashioned from dried flesh about your waist.
You are zapped by a belt fashioned from dried flesh and drop it.
8  Solace II / BUGS / Re: takhisis powers on: November 10, 2004, 04:20:21 pm
same thing
imho powers of mage and powers of fighter should differ
for example knights of the skull (clerics) have a bit another powers

as i know they dont have blood ritual and chromatic ward
but have dark presense and insight (or something like that)
9  Solace II / BUGS / takhisis powers on: November 10, 2004, 04:07:12 pm
knight of the lily (figher-likes) have powers:
<847/847 457/505 73/302 961762 WUD> gr
Your group:
[24 Fig] Torrad           100%hp  90%mana  24%mv 961762 tnl

<817/817 455/455 302/302 961742 NESW> emp
Level 10: lightbane            25 mana 
Level 15: draconian holocaust   40 mana 
Level 19: bloody ritual        50 mana 
Level 20: phantasmal armor     60 mana 
Level 22: dragon mount        120 mana 
Level 24: chromatic ward       70 mana 

and knight of the thorn (mages) have powers:

<784/784 697/697 353/353 1148088 S> gr
Your group:
[24 Tra] Darhrak          100%hp 100%mana 100%mv 1148088 tnl

<784/784 697/697 353/353 1148088 S> emp
Level 10: lightbane            25 mana 
Level 15: draconian holocaust   40 mana 
Level 19: bloody ritual        50 mana 
Level 20: phantasmal armor     60 mana 
Level 22: dragon mount        120 mana 
Level 24: chromatic ward       70 mana 
very strange imho
10  Solace II / Logs / Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible ! on: November 01, 2004, 12:20:45 pm
and this is a man who screaming so much about other's rp...
11  Solace II / Logs / Re: Elutharo vs. Ydobb on: October 15, 2004, 11:34:04 am
next time use log tag, pls
12  Solace II / Logs / Re: eyejab and dirt kick on: October 11, 2004, 08:31:53 am
err. this message must be on bug board Smiley
13  Solace II / Logs / eyejab and dirt kick on: October 11, 2004, 08:29:44 am
<648/760 480/480 253/253 520124 NS> eyejab
You attempt to jab the torturer's eyes, but it has no effect on his rotten body.
The torturer has some small wounds.

<760/760 480/480 253/253 520134 NS> The torturer is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt hits the torturer.
The torturer is convulsing on the ground.

how it can be?
14  Solace II / BUGS / Affects (unknown, report to Immortals) by 5. on: October 08, 2004, 12:36:52 pm
The corpse of an elven ranger lord holds:
     a suit of mud stained green leather armor

<729/729 403/463 247/247 979375 E> Object 'suit mud stained green leather armor' is type armor.
You can wear it at body.
It is made of leather.
Extra flags anti-evil.
Weight is 2, value is 15000, level is 22.
Armor class is 7 pierce, 9 bash, 7 slash, and 15 vs magic.
Affects damage roll by 3.
Affects hit roll by 3.

<729/729 388/463 247/247 979375 E> lore 1.
Object 'suit mud stained green leather armor' is type armor.
You can wear it at body.
It is made of leather.
Extra flags anti-evil.
Weight is 2, value is 15000, level is 22.
Armor class is 11 pierce, 15 bash, 5 slash, and 22 vs magic.
Affects (unknown, report to Immortals) by 5.
15  Solace II / BUGS / mobs and lagging skills on: September 27, 2004, 05:33:42 pm
<452/682 458/458 231/256 1296767 EW>
A dark-elf cleric dodges your punch.
A dark-elf cleric dodges your punch.
A dark-elf cleric's life drain misses you.
A dark-elf cleric is covered in bleeding wounds.

<452/682 458/458 231/256 1296767 EW>
A dark-elf cleric utters the words, 'oagrzs dueab'.
A dark-elf cleric is covered in bleeding wounds.

<452/682 458/458 231/256 1296767 EW> throwYou grasp and control a dark-elf cleric with graceful skill.
A dark-elf cleric is covered in bleeding wounds.

<452/682 458/458 231/256 1296767 EW>
A dark-elf cleric parries your punch.
A dark-elf cleric dodges your punch.
Your punch devastates a dark-elf cleric.
Your punch devastates a dark-elf cleric!
You dodge a dark-elf cleric's life drain.
A dark-elf cleric is covered in bleeding wounds.

<452/682 458/458 231/256 1296767 EW>
A dark-elf cleric utters the words, 'oagrzs zzas'.
A dark-elf cleric's dispel evil devastates you!
A dark-elf cleric parries your punch.
Your punch devastates a dark-elf cleric.
Your punch devastates a dark-elf cleric!
You dodge a dark-elf cleric's life drain.
A dark-elf cleric is gushing blood.

<416/682 458/458 231/256 1296767 EW> You grab a dark-elf cleric and throw him to the ground with stunning force!
Your throw decimates a dark-elf cleric.
With brutal skill you grind a dark-elf cleric against the ground with your weight.
You have become better at ground control!
Your ground control devastates a dark-elf cleric.
Your punch maims a dark-elf cleric!
Your punch decimates a dark-elf cleric.
A dark-elf cleric dodges your punch.
You dodge a dark-elf cleric's life drain.
A dark-elf cleric is gushing blood.

<416/682 458/458 231/256 1294867 EW> throw
A dark-elf cleric utters the words, 'oagrzs zzas'.
A dark-elf cleric's dispel evil MANGLES you!
The trail supervisor has arrived.
A dark-elf cleric is gushing blood.

<334/682 458/458 231/256 1294867 EW>
Your punch devastates a dark-elf cleric.
A dark-elf cleric dodges your punch.
A dark-elf cleric parries your punch.
You use your shoulder to partially deflect a dark-elf cleric's life drain.
A dark-elf cleric's life drain misses you.
A dark-elf cleric is gushing blood.

seems mobs dont care about lags. bug?
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