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1  Solace II / Common Discussions / strange delays in fights on: November 28, 2004, 03:26:51 am
Guys, let discusse have anyone of you strange delays right in fight, when was no used any lagges skills you suddenly got delay and opponent easy kills you?

I had such two times in one day...

Interestin is it my "shizophreniya" or anyone had something too???

2  Solace II / Common Discussions / damned gopers on: November 21, 2004, 10:03:27 pm

Is it fun walking around 4 and slay all at sight?

totall crap... i think Gods should control such s**t...
who will play such game when there are 4 gopers who only enter for hunt and slay then leave all...

My groupmate was killed while we ranked...

WBR Angry Griyam
3  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re: Доколе? on: September 21, 2004, 01:46:41 pm
Gopa rulez - solo - sux.

Действительно настоящие тусовки в солейсе были когда 5 на 5 да еще 5 сбоку... и с другого  бока не менее 3-4 и все в кланах, а также неклановых пачками.

Побанив последовательно гопу за гопой, Солейс не сделали более играбельным, ведь если разобраться- то если кто-то читит, значит любит солейс, хочет играть, действительно заинтересован, если юзают фичи - значит фан значит не все линейно есть и нюансы...

Если бы иммортали думали системно:
Есть читеры, есть фичеюзеры, много всяких гоп и гопокиллеров - при этом полный Солейс народа.

Нет читеров, нет гоп, нет оверповерных пацанов - никого и не осталось Smiley)))

В душе то ведь все мы поверсикеры, читеры, багаюзеры и прочее - это с другой стороны креативность, умение идти не стандартными тропами Smiley

Читер - лучший друг играбельности, это как пират, романтический герой, который идет против правил, его ловят, пусть даже наказывают - но убивать (bann) это означает убивать не просто персонажа а ИГРОКА... а их не бесконечное количество, реально привлекают к игре, но если не будет пиратов - то и играть не интересно.

Чемош часто говорил - ю дестрой май ворлд.

НО НО НО - я думаю люди не делетятся если их запкилят и поделетятся только рохли - рохли и реально то нахрен не нужны - не от пкила так от какой нибудь херни все равно расплачутся и поделетятся. Реальный стратегический игрок - он читер, или поверсикер. Но такой будет читить получать денай и снова ролиться и играть - это жизнь при этом он будет показывать пример как играть и находить нестандартные пути - комбинировать и лавировать на грани чита с фичами.

Настоящий читер и корсар от всякой ерунды не поделетится если очень  сильно (более 10) раз не поступить с ним очень несправедливо... тогда уже конфликт неразрешим - оскорбления - а боги мстят - нет продолжения - уход из солейса... но душа то болит - и я верю они когда нибудь вернутся... и не надо их унвелкомить.

Вот таких игроков убивать (банить) совершенно ни к чему - это костяк мира - и реальное уничтожение мира - это уничтожение наиболее серьезно в него играющих людей.

Я например никогда не хотел чтобы кто-нибудь из моих врагов был заденаен забанен и т.д. меня мочили читерски гопски фичерски - но интереснее было подняться и навалять потом как нибудь или прямо тут же, раскачать другого чара и замесить читера-поверсикера... вот это была жизнь - а сейчас увы некого мочить... не с кем ролеплеить...

Все пофиксено, все забанены, чистота в мире...

Вот вы скажите - РП лучше всякого поверсика и читинга и гоперских кланваров - нет нет и еще раз нет...

Такие писефульные РП-еры если уж уродились пусть книжки читают или перед зеркалом РПят -а настоящие вояки не хотят один голый РП смотреть - нет в этом фана, нет в этом энергии и динамики - красивым РП  - одним только голым не привлечь игроков в мир - представляю себе ньюбая который думает - вот буду играть, поднимусь до хиро и так красиво как кто-нибудь РПить буду - вот это колбасить меня будет тогда...

Не в природе глубинной человека РПить - а в чьей природе таких в муде очень мало - сюда люди идут мочиться, но с возможностью РПить, но только сочетание этого создает фан - голый пкил это тоже квейк и не фан.


Тем кто до конца мой бред дочитал передаю привет - уважаю терпение и жажду познания!
4  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: features on: September 15, 2004, 04:13:25 pm
As man who knows about people brain much, i can say:
Let s stop all changes...
People, especially who play Solace, love old fashioned things,
they all remembers old times... I think such world as Solace dont need too
much changes, we have lived later without fixing and it was ok, those who
knows bugs - used em and was happy, those who knows features - used em
and was happy, it was balanced enough, newbies was need to learn, and they
tried to learn, those who succed had become skillfull player.

So may be stop changes???
So people can relax, feel theyselves better, people will consider they know about world much, and it will not change suddenly...

Better, if Imms wish to do something, -- RP with mortals, new areas, new adds...

and ignore complaints about overpowers - if you think something is overp - start play this and get this power (if you care about power so much)...

5  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: features on: September 08, 2004, 09:41:06 am
You are right.

But have you seen something like:

Oh Oh, this class/clan/race so hard to RP, please make it better to i can
RP greate. All other can RP better then my class/clan/race.

All s**t happens only because someone think he have less power he want.
people delete characters, swear, insult, ban, deny...

If you said main objective of Solace is RP, but WHAT FOR (bla bla bla) WE NEED
ANYTHING CALLED "BALANCE"Huh - we dont need balance, people just RP good,
why do you desire power, no power at all, just command south east west north up down and look and lots emotions - it s enough for good RP.

I think we need RP, but there are no troubles with RP  - only trouble it s too rare for Solace.

But we see much troubles with balance. I dont mean we have greate troubles with balance - it s good now, but all possible troubles based on power loss/add, features loss/add etc.

P.S. Let me offer one crazy idea

Balance can be achieved fast if we will have FAST reaction from system (i mean gods do change, world react with structure of playing classes, races, clans - i still think we should balance it???)  so, let s make one thing which install rightfull balance:

If Gods make changes, for 1-2 days players recieve power to change class/race - it s fair, when players choose race/class from begining they think he have he can 1.2.3. he will able to but suddenly change happened and their choise is badly wrong, they fooled, but they spent time on their character and suddenly they get: now your character cant

It happens when we decreasing powers to get balance, so people are frustrated, they swear etc...

It can be fair if you make changes, then all can choose once more...

If such possibility will work we will get very fast reaction on our changes - example:

Since now shadow assassins will have not stalk:
Reaction all became season assassins those who was assassin shadow

Immortals think too many unbalanced seasons let s make change:

Since now Seasons cant calm mind:
Reaction - all became beasts, OR NOT - that is the question.

IF PEOPLE WILL BE ABLE TO CHOOSE IF SOMETHING CHANGED, AND IT WILL NO NEED START FROM BEGINING IF THEY CHOOSE  -   we will have true, balanced, fair, real answer of system on our  changes - good or bad it for balance, and how it will influence on structure of classes, races, clans in future,

now Imms need to hear greate swears, deleting or such to understand that change is nt balanced...

Let make it simple:

Change - after one day you see - all play with only one class - something wrong Smiley))))))) let s fix it.

6  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap. on: September 08, 2004, 09:20:03 am
Dont want whine, i m really dont whine.

I just suggest, i dont whine because imms make rules and order in this world
and this is right.

We just can choose inside this rules and balance.

And i advice (in my honest opinion) choose this or that class, i dont want Gods do anything, all is ok, i just advice people what s better to choose.

WBR. no offence, no whine, we polite.
7  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: features on: September 07, 2004, 09:15:24 pm
I still think increasing is best way of balance.

Look if you will fix balance with decreasing soon transmutters will not be able to explore good, necroses will not be powerfull enough to get things solo, rangers same... It will be hard to play, people will enter and thing what to do???
PK??? - i cant with that class, get things??? - cant alone, Explore??? - still cant alone, cant pass etc. RP??? - big not RP vs small, it s a unseen tradition...

SO these people will quit, think about something else to do...
And it s hard RP alone, nobody answer, and it is no need in MUD, just sit and RP Smiley)

In other hand:

Person entered game, look there is nobody to hunt, there s nobody to RP, let s get some things,  time pass, hey appears someone to hunt, appears someone to RP, let s do it... again - nobody to hunt, nobody to RP... Smiley))

And they say: Let s explore something... - it s fun, it s interesting, it s good for play, and much better then dumb exping, or mastering, or trying to get something and deaths.

8  Solace II / Common Discussions / Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap. on: September 07, 2004, 09:06:03 pm
Realy i dont whine, it s just true, abjuration is much better.

Wish play only abjuration, yeah yeah. (Imms will think, let s catch him,
and make abjuration worse, so he will not be happy with playing abjuration,
but it was joke, i will not play abjuration)

Just warning, dont make alteration, because you will suffer greatly, it s total crap play this damned class, it s impossible to explore, it s impossible to good PK, only way - "RP as looser" - with that class it will be so easy Smiley))))

Also, dont make assassins beasts - totall crap, one of base skill of beasts - rage of wolverine is totall s**t now, not interesting, nor powerfull,

I d suggest shadow, season - not bad classes, have much interesting thing.

Fighters good, thieves good, but spellbook for thieves - dont think about it - nobody will lose percents for only one scribe for poor thief.

Rangers rule - make rangers, good in exploring, good in pk.

Necroses - hard to play, dont make it, only for gurmans, but powerfull.
9  Solace II / Logs / Re: я молчу ... on: September 07, 2004, 08:52:28 pm
I have remember log of Rastama where he was kicked harsh, and he said:

WHERE IS MY DEFENCE?HuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuh??

Now you see, Rastama have found his defence.

It s true, all should afraid of High Lord, not punk him as boy for kicking.

10  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: features on: September 07, 2004, 02:04:42 pm
way of gargoyl 30 rank feat of 3rd circle - adds 6 resists or + 6 + 6 to hitroll to damroll, very greate thing...

just people do know, what crap it is and dont spend train money experience.
11  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: features on: September 06, 2004, 11:38:19 am
in that post you will find Some corrections and one way to balance world.

i dont want imms fix spell defence and toughness, but probably it happen, to balance world, if critical strike so crapy why toughness or something should give benefits???

list of features that probably can be fixed in near future:
1. balance
2. toughness
3. spell defence


i have a suggestion

1. If immortalls fix features, skills, spells in way of decreasing, suxing - we have results: all whine, delete characters, insults, swearing etc... sometimes it lead to hth fights in RL.

2. If immortalls fix features, skills, spells or such in way of increasing - mostly gready people try to roll newpowered character and got all benefits, but some still whine, swear - but statistic shows - in that way people whine more polite.

So to resume:

Increasing power make world fresh, new classes dominate, old leave, people who can play only necros, soon will train play overpowered assassins for example, or such, ranger specialized players will turn to mages, or druids...

i think balance can be installed in new greate way...

Creators need clear statistic how many classes races in realm:

rangers - 10
necros - 20
fighters - 30
assassins - 50
thieves - 10


and races
elves - 10
gnomes - 3
minos - 30
draconians - 40
humans - 40

if numbers of races is balanced - then all ok with it.

if numbers of classes too differentiate - need give something interesting to low class,

All will swear why why why you gave orangoutang to druid - it s too cool.

Kiri-Jolith will answer - there are only 4 druids in game - druids is dissapearing from World, they need to be in big red book, let s support them to they grow, enlarge and such...

and all in that style - but no need too much changes in a month, to people can relax and enjoy their overpower...

i think clans can be balanced in such way too

chaos - 4
heretics - 1
tower - 1.5
solamnic - 4

heretics need support Smiley

features same -
balance - 5
foe hunters - 0
spell defence - 10
thoughness - 12

Imms do: guys, none want ne foe hunters - need support this - add some increase power, now those who will meet his favourite race will kick it harsh, dont mess with foe hunters.

or none want balance - since now bash throw will hold some harder, think about balance

There can NOT be static BALANCE -

balance is a dinamic,
and it is better with adding, not decreasing,

so all will be happy, and powerfull,

it s like politic, goverment regulate wishes of people in business - make tax's discount, or something to lead peoples to way goverment want.

Sorry for so long post, may be it will be usefull.
12  Solace II / Common Discussions / features on: September 03, 2004, 05:58:01 pm
Let me share with you some crazy thoughts about features and RP.

Let s take a foe hunter -  useless now, hardly there are someone with this feature, it can be nice but benefit in fighting so low that none want.

Thoughб Foe hunter can be a greate roleplayer feature, for racist's.

Look, people is motivated with power, it s only motive for enforce RP. Let s code features to way they help role-play, choose role and stuff.

Man should be strong in his role.

When knight should nt flee, but too weak at default to fighthe dont want RP as knight so much.

If i really can be strong in slaying minotaurs i will go this role, and it will be fine.

If you look closely at features foe hunter, and bane of the enemie you can see it s greate features to regulate world. if will be horsed of necros, and necros will be most powerfull class - we can expect some necro hunters...
and so on.

critical strike - useless, works worse then weapon's sharpness.

toughness and spell defence - rulez, i think Imms will fix em, because too many people get it.

13  Solace II / Common Discussions / IMPORTANT: Some final words. on: August 27, 2004, 09:18:28 am
пожалуйста не умирай...

Я думаю нужно придумать способ более мягкого намека на то, что Солайс - это не право и привиления, и не хочешь не играй, но сорить не нужно.

Можно ли еще все исправить?
Я думаю никто, даже братья-вайнеры не хотят смерти солейсу, просто погорячились.
14  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Solace лежит? 21.20-... on: August 07, 2004, 08:14:53 pm
15  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Как подключиться к Солайс если телнет соединения закрыты... firewall on: August 03, 2004, 09:46:32 am
кажется есть какой-то способ через протокол http какая то программа для етого есть, подскажите плиз.
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