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Solace II / Ideas / Re: Knights
on: December 06, 2004, 10:57:15 am
Since overhead suxxed a lot, pugil now is considered useful (it is much more powerful now than overhead). The only thing is that you can't start a fight with a pugil.
Solace II / Ideas / Re: Knights
on: December 05, 2004, 06:47:12 pm
In my humble opinion, a knight now is a heap of skills gathered from here and there. Yet a significant part of his skills and spells are totally useless.
Level 3: kick 1%
Level 11: lore 1%
Level 21: spike 1% (Oh yeah, if there was a single DK or lich, I would perhaps practice this)
Level 27: impale 1%
Level 2: cure light 1%
Level 5: cure serious 1%
Level 6: create water 1%
Level 7: dispel evil 1%
Level 17: calm 1%
Level 19: banishment 1%
Level 21: turn undead 1%
Denote that knight is the ONLY class w/o hand to hand skill. Even mages and priests have it, but knights don't.
So I, for one, would gladly accept the returning of the old knights.
Solace II / Ideas / Knight races
on: December 05, 2004, 12:02:30 pm
Strangely enough, dwarves can be even assassins, but not knights. Also minotaurs who are concerned about glory, don't have any chances to become knights. What do you think?
Solace II / Ideas / Knights
on: December 05, 2004, 11:56:59 am
Let me remind you that pre-spec state means the state knights had before they were granted 2/3 weapon specializations. That meant they were divided into Paladine (vengeance, sanctuary, holy prayer) and Kiri-Jolith (wrath, frenzy, lightshield, protectorate, spike) ones, had locate and curative spells, and had useful (should be read 'more powerful') charge set skill.
Solace II / BUGS / Blend
on: December 03, 2004, 01:40:34 pm
The old Solace's bug with elven blend skill still roams unfixed. It's like
... (PK) Someone The regrowing forest
Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Trolls
on: December 01, 2004, 05:52:46 pm
People, you are talking rubbish. Look at the anti-rangers descs and read that they wield troll- and naga-slayers just to keep their pet trolls and nagas under control.
Solace II / BUGS / Leadership
on: November 29, 2004, 08:25:44 pm
Nanu joins you to fight for honour and glory! You lead your group to fight for honour and glory!
You are Orlein the Sword Bearer Race: human Sex: male Age: 17 years old (young) You are a lawful good knight. Level: 4, with 26898 exp (experience to level: 7902)
Level 15: leadership n/a