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1  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Looting and PK on: October 26, 2004, 08:43:32 am
I wasnt trying to say that implementing a deadly/peaceful sort of system in a mud was a bad idea, i was just saying that my personal preference is to keep solace as a RP/PK mud.

I tend to be ambivalent about alot of things, including this, when i wrote the post I was completely against a deadly system, but now I can see that it may have some benefits as well...*ponder*

Well...guess i need to think over my opinion before i post it here...

2  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Looting and PK on: October 26, 2004, 06:34:21 am
I wonder what percentage of players have actually read this paragraph...

Player Killing MUST be a role played appropriately. If you are neutral
    you can't just wander up to someone and slay them for no apparent
    reason.   The only exception is if you are attempting to portray a
    homicidal maniac.  This would be completely in character for such a
    persona but it'd also be VERY in character for you to be hunted to
    extermination by the general mortal population and, quite likely, by
    the Immortal population as well.  However, if you wish to roleplay
    such a character, ALWAYS pray to gods first to gain permission and a
    title. Enough said about that I think.

I think perm-death would greatly increase PK, think of someone like Lanzorian who is nearly unbeatable just walking around picking off any char who gets into his range.  I think it would almost eliminate RP because you couldnt afford to do it, wasting time RPing would just get you killed quicker.

BTW if you want the roleplay be - just roleplay yourself and do not wait or expect from others the same... Happyness is not in roleplay

Regretfully alot of players dont RP at all, however alot of players do really enjoy this game because of its RP aspect, and, although I dont do it very often, I enjoy the extended sessions of RP I have with other characters.

now, back to the topic...

I completely agree that something should be done to prevent mass full-looting.  It really sucks working hard to get your equipment, only to have someone come along, kill you, and get as much as he can from your corpse.  Izmar did the same thing to me as well as Maldor, and then didnt even bother to use them.  He just sacraficed them.  (To any1 who is going to say "its part of the game, deal with it..." i know this, its just irritating as hell)

Perhaps a compromise, one which has been suggested before several times, is to have some people made into avatars or demi-avatars or whatever, immortals who are just around to enforce rules and RP.

I could really see this being a beneficial addition to the game.  Could possibly become RP moderators as well. 

At creation, each character chooses whether to be Deadly or Peaceful

I think this would be going too far, would require quite a bit of coding, and as irritating as it can be at times, Solace is what it is because its a player-killing mud.  It would create two sets of characters, and a limited amount of items on each one.  All would depend on whether the person who found the items was deadly or peaceful. 

However, if this kind of switch was made, I would have to insist that in order to join a clan you would have to be Deadly.  Wouldnt make sense if a clan-member couldnt defend or raid clan halls.
3  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: My Observations of Solace II on: October 12, 2004, 05:25:41 am
I also agree with almost everything, although i do prefer keeping tells as IC ability.  I am sick of the cookie cutter characters who just say they are a draconian so all elves must die...etc etc...(just saw yet another one...*spit*)

I think the mud has alot of advantages going for it, lack of RP and endless PK for no reason are the things that bother me the most.

Sgt Pepper:  Kylie and Dargillean posted here to offer their opinions as experienced mudders and mud owners as to how to improve solace, they arent here to advertise.
4  Solace II / BUGS / Re: Plaguing out of PK (IMPORTANT) on: October 05, 2004, 06:50:14 am
Joaerh just pulled the same crap with me and my groupmate.  Im on a level 2 char and he just continuously enters and leaves the room until we are both plagued.  How do you expect new players to get into ths game if they are more or less getting PKd by players like Joaerh when they are trying to figure it out. 

I understand this is a part of the game but the IMMs should draw the line when a player's actions are for no particular reason other then that they want to kill newbie chars.   
5  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Bards on: October 03, 2004, 02:56:11 am
*raises hand*

I miss bards, but i think there are still a couple roaming around because about 3 weeks ago i got PKd by one.
6  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Network Playing on: September 26, 2004, 05:40:41 am
each computer has its own IP address so there shouldnt be a problem with both computers being logged in at the same time.   

If an IMM did approach you about it I dont see why he would have a problem with siblings playing at the same time.  If he still didnt believe you you could just ask him to observe both of you and he would be able to see you were both moving independently so you couldnt be one person multi-charring.

7  Solace II / Ideas / Re: Feats on: September 22, 2004, 02:58:06 am
I believe this feat would be overpowered if there was no delay for bandaging.  I could just see someone with decent armor spamming bandage, more then making up for the 0-2 hits they were taking each round.  IF there was a 1 tick delay on it i think it would be a reasonably useful feat, although, not as useful as other feats that are available.
8  Solace II / Common Discussions / IMPORTANT: Some final words. on: August 27, 2004, 09:30:11 am
i agree, just ban the idiots who dont understand what a free f**king game means.
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