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1  Solace II / BUGS / Re: request on: October 20, 2004, 04:56:13 am

" and when i try to uncurse her i get some s**ty msg that she dosent trust me.. "

ooppps  i didnt see that  Roll Eyes
2  Solace II / BUGS / Re: request on: October 20, 2004, 12:28:51 am

" The elven ranger, Leyara tells you, 'Alas, I am unable to release a longbow strung with unicorn hair'. "

its been my experience that this message means the item is cursed and thus she is unable to give it to you. Try uncursing it first  Grin
3  Solace II / BUGS / Re: mobs and lagging skills on: September 28, 2004, 01:01:23 am
its my understanding that MOBS are not affected by lagging skills. They are free to cast whatever they want whenever they wish  Grin
4  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Network Playing on: September 26, 2004, 10:38:11 pm
one thing that might be good to point out:

although its true that all computers have a different IP address

I have a wireless network that allows 3 different computers to connect to the internet.

When they are connected, they all display a very similar IP to whoever or whatever happens to be looking at it. This is similar enough for the code on some MUDS to detect it as MULTI-CHAR. I do not know if this is the case with Solace, but it might be wise to check with an IMM first before trying to play.
5  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re:Important message on: August 28, 2004, 11:41:42 pm
It appears there may be a discrepancy in Chemosh's post and his holiday schedule.   Nobody has been able to contact Chemosh and we are now checking on what is going on, particularly with his post and the deletion of all the old forum threads.

and the plot thickens....  Roll Eyes
6  Solace II / Common Discussions / IMPORTANT: Some final words. on: August 27, 2004, 05:14:40 am
whats funny is that solace is shutting down for the same damn reason as before....whiners and people who exist just to make other miserable! (maybe not...some of you might have valid points)

I can deal with the multi-looter, storer-ganker goper people that populate solace, but please dont take it away  Sad

The beginning of SOlace's return was fine...why cant we go back to that? If you have a complaint, and it better be valid, post it with NICE words, not abrasive language. I think key word here is RESPECT.

Please dont go away again  Sad
7  Solace II / Logs / Re:You have to love this kinda of players! on: July 25, 2004, 07:43:27 pm
P.P.S. Still wonder why am I Betrayer, I didn't betray anything actually.

i think it has something to do with the note Hiddukel sent to everyone...you know, all that stuff about cleaning out Entropy and only letting uberstrong ppl in  Grin
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