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Solace II / Ideas / A idea!
on: November 12, 2004, 02:42:11 am
Just another idea that hit me. Maybe some clerics, particularly the defensive ones like of mishakal paladine etc. could have a magical version of rescue, more potent even. It would be a foce field they create around the group that directs the damage delt to others twards them, including magic. I think its cool, but do admit its quite overpower.... But immies, with their all mighty powers might find a way to squeeze it in  . That ability wouldent fit knights since they are less spiritual and already have rescue... AH, another idea i was meaning to post is for feats. Maybe instead of receiving 1 1st, 2nd and 3rd feat point you would receive 1 feat point, then 2 feat points and afterwards 3 feat points, of equal value. So a player could choose to, have 3 2nd level feats, or a bunch of 1st level feats, or two 3rd level feats, so on. Of course this would require limitations so someone wouldent abuse and give himself 6 1st level toughnessess or something, but I think the freedom it would allow to chose the feats would be better, since sometimes, for some race-class combinations, i get to the third level feat, and with the options given sometimes think, man, balance would be nice now (or something similar) Well, thats it for this post... 
Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Looting and PK
on: October 27, 2004, 02:20:27 am
Back to looting and pk... I agree with hiddys iniciative to keep a eye out for random kills, but I think a hardcoded nokilling (like solan proposed) is a bad idea. It would keep the limited items permanently iwht a certain char, wich would be very frustrating. Imagine waiting for the 800 years for you to have a chance to get the item you really wanted, the pk sistem keeps a flow. Furthermore, I was never a very good pker, whenever i play a knight my cons goes to like 8 before i reach teh hero rank, but i think the battles and dying are part of the game, and part of the emotion (PART, i also hate ppl with no rp at all). Clans would lose a good part of their sense if there was a nokilling restriction. And twards looting... Well, i think that, though it can be VERY frustrating, get over it.. its just a game. I lost vengeance/reflecting armguards/ platinum dragon meddalion/ blue crystal tiara and a shield with a white cross at one blow once with eglamore, and even because of his rp i didint feel that bad about it... I was even thinking i might had been to collective for a knight. So... I think imms keeping a eye out is enough, we should trust them and keep things as they are.
Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Outcasts
on: October 05, 2004, 01:24:41 am
Well, rangers and fighters dont rely on striking first as much, and arent half mages already. And about the bunch of changes to outcasts, i think they are unnecissary. I just propose to add a few basic skills, as above. true they are dependant of the enemies saves, And also true their manuals are very good. I think a outcast with no manuals might be a bit behind other classes, but this makes up when they get the books (oooohhh yeaahh) blood of innocents and rape of angels kick ass. I like the class and to me its coerent that the dark knights are hard to play, and to be powerfull you have to find and kill for a bunch of books. Complement the saves dependancy with feats like empower spell and just learn to think like a outcast.
Solace II / BUGS / Re: Plaguing out of PK (IMPORTANT)
on: October 05, 2004, 01:18:07 am
Actualy this is no bug. You must be carefull with diseased creatures of all ranks. This is not absurd because the player does not cast the disease directly on one out of his range, this is impossible. It passes to others nearby only, of any ranks. This is actualy the objective of many servents of morgion, to spread diseases. (as did the necromancer some might remember known as the rotting hand)
Solace II / Common Discussions / Outcasts
on: October 01, 2004, 10:49:04 pm
I checked out the outcasts skills/spells and imho they really need something else... This is not a new discussion, i remember a post that suggested new outcast spells. My proposal is different: I suggest giving them some well known spells/ skills, not to powerfull, but that make a BIG difference later in the game. Knights can brandish staves, i dont see why outcasts should not. I see them as powerfull magic users (they can eaven apply to the tower) and that is more a reason to not only give them staves, but wands and scrolls as well. A Orb can do a outcast a marvel, dismissing the need for a lot of coding a many new skills. I also propose they get faerie fire/fog (either one). As i see things, Outcasts NEED the first hit, and enemies they cant see (theifs, assassins, rangers) are therefor impossible to kill. Give them at least a chance to put a aura on the opponent. Well... this is a change... suggestions to outcasts ranger then knights. Well, thats all for the day
Solace II / BUGS / Cool elf dude
on: September 17, 2004, 09:49:46 pm
The bones around you suddenly stir and rise up! A skeletal elf says 'HP|)(б¿¿' 
Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: I am confused...
on: September 17, 2004, 08:03:49 pm
Everything is simple, first thing I am elf assassin, assassin - it's killer isn't it? Second that my role is fanatic of light, I do not care if you are good or neutral, you serve God of Lies who opposes Gods of Light. Remember templers from middleage, they were "good" but killed a lot of people. Also, I do not think that elves should care about dwarf is good or evil, it's simply dwarf.
What you do not understand is that---> I am in a cabal not because of the immortal leader, but because of the cabal's ideals, beleifs. I do not serve Hiddukel by being in Chaos (sorry Hiddukel). I will only serve him in some aspects that mean Chaos, but i will not lie, steal, rob... And if you think elves do not care about dwarf being good or neutral, that would be an elf that is neutral, because, he does not care When you are of light, you care for others
Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: MindOverBody and train hp
on: September 14, 2004, 03:03:18 am
dont forget that while the elf can get mind over body, toughness and toughness to be a fat-ass, a dwarf can get toughness-toughness-toughness, and you will have received more hp the first 15 lvls, so if a dwarf wants to be fat, h will alweys be the fattest.  Now everyone can chose the feats they want, so if the dwarf player doesent place a single toughness, and the elf player buts all feats for hp, its only fair he gets fat (and even FattER then the dwarf). besides, elves cost 20%xp more anyway.
Solace II / Spelling Mistakes / Re: cleave
on: September 10, 2004, 03:52:51 am
Umm... Im not of a english speaking country (as all can notice due to my poor grammar) but i think both sencences, the one you posted and the original are correct, they only have different meanings..  but hey what do i know 
Solace II / Ideas / Umm.. just a idea for Horse Nomad
on: September 08, 2004, 12:45:30 am
maybe in adition to whatever this feat grants ( i think its a better defense when mounted..) Maybe it could make one ride and dismount during battles, with one of his horsemaster acrobacies  I know i would really like that!
Solace II / Common Discussions / where did the high level ppl go?
on: September 03, 2004, 01:47:38 am
Solamnias knights have comletely dissapeared from one day to another!  and a bunch of other players where on frequently i dont see at all anymore, like Deas Thelemon Arakh Rastama (the knights of takhisis dissapeared as well..  ) Sharlise Izmar etc etc etc... Am i playing in some screwy hours? i havent seen much immies lately either, but that i assume is because they are uberinvis.. Well just hope to see more freindly faces..
Solace II / BUGS / Healer's restoration
on: September 02, 2004, 04:24:38 am
When you heal undead drains at the healer there appears no message, not informing if you where successfull or that you failed (i lost alot of gold thinking it was failing and i had healed it already) So.. i think its a bug... 