Well, I think that this topic isn't going anywhere so let me say some final words about it:
Lord of the Rings:- Sauron, the DARK lord
- in the movie, the only humans that fight for sauron (I can't recall the name now) were wearing turbans and riding gigantic elephants (the mumakils), you can't deny that they are moslems.
-the elfs, that clearly mean something like purity, beauty, etc have white skin, yellow, golden or silvery hair and green or blue eyes
I understand that this book was written in the early 1900, but it's still used as base-books to RPG and fantasy books
Dragonlance:-that stuff that I already said about minos
-the same elvish stuff of the LotR
-The greater evil god is a woman (or a female dragon, whatever)
I didn't actually read any Dragonlance, all that I know is what I learned playing solace.
Dungeons and Dragons and others similars RPGs-Drows: BLACK elfs with WHITE hair
-In the whole book, you can only see 1 mulatto character, the others are white.
-again the same stuff of dark lord, dark land etc...
I don't abominate these books, actually I play D&D, and read all of the Tolkiens books, I just think that it could be different, the vile white-skinned elfs destroy a village of peaceful minotaurs.