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1  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Later fella's on: November 23, 2004, 12:06:47 am
have fun mate...
2  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: *hmm just pondering* on: November 20, 2004, 11:17:47 am
hahaha, thats great... spelling part i mean Tongue
3  Solace II / Logs / Re: what the crap is this? on: October 30, 2004, 01:36:07 am
well i was sure youw ere going to use that as an excuse Tongue
4  Solace II / Logs / Re: what the crap is this? on: October 30, 2004, 01:34:32 am
and yet it still tosses a mutilates once in awhile, so stopcomplain
5  Solace II / Logs / Re: what the crap is this? on: October 30, 2004, 01:33:49 am
only reason my spells do good damage, is cause i have spent over8 hours mastering spells already, so dont even BRING that up
6  Solace II / Logs / Re: what the crap is this? on: October 30, 2004, 01:33:09 am
whooop de do, why dont u stop f**king complain fag, *sniff* poor baby, a frickin invoker, GOD DAMN, hes gonna be a over powered mother f**ker isnt he!
7  Solace II / Logs / Re: what the crap is this? on: October 30, 2004, 01:28:24 am
i cant give a weak KENDER FIGHTER a sword that i have absolutly no use for? alrighty
8  Solace II / Logs / Re: what the crap is this? on: October 30, 2004, 01:24:28 am
and let a rank 13 kender have some fun Tongue
9  Solace II / Logs / Re: what the crap is this? on: October 30, 2004, 01:24:09 am
how bout i leave it on the floor for you to grab?
10  Solace II / Logs / Re: what the crap is this? on: October 30, 2004, 01:20:15 am
wasnt rank 12 when i got if fool
11  Solace II / Logs / Re: what the crap is this? on: October 30, 2004, 01:17:53 am
it was all gained legal, so shut the f*ck up
12  Solace II / Logs / Re: Fall of a Heretic on: October 29, 2004, 04:56:20 pm
it wasnt to show disrespect or anything of that, the mere posting was to portray the intervention actually taking place, and the slow renewal taking place to heal solace Smiley. we roleplayed it well, and such, was shown mercy, it actually shows that if u handle a intercounter with a imm decently, and roleplay it out, it doesnt always lead to the ban/deny which so many of you complain of Tongue

OH IMMS ARNT CRUEL BASTARDS ARE THEY!! *gasp* who would of thought from all the grief they got....*smirk*
13  Solace II / Logs / Fall of a Heretic on: October 29, 2004, 09:00:58 am
(PK) Hadin the male minotaur
Verhanna the female dark elf, Apprentice of the Tower
(PK) Ajuna the male elf <----ME
(PK) Khorag the male minotaur, Fist of Heretics

An Unseen God has transferred you.
Hadin arrives from a puff of smoke.
Hadin nods.
Hadin says 'i am fully prepared to defend my actions'
An Unseen God says 'First of all.'
An Unseen God says 'Good people, do not help bad people.'
An Unseen God pokes you in the ribs.
You cackle insanely.
An Unseen God says 'Second of all, elves do not help dark elves.'
You say 'My good sir.
An Unseen God says 'Third of all, 'crap' is not said in solace'<---OK that was me Smiley
An Unseen God says 'Fourth of all, minotaurs do not say 'sec''<---hadin heheheh
An Unseen God pokes Hadin in the ribs.
You say 'a common foe we have, many a times, we have fallen to these foes, mercylessly'
Hadin nods.
Hadin nods at you in agreement.
You say 'a ally i am to that of tower'
You say 'a wisened elf as myself, have come to learn, not all are to be judged by that of which they were birthed.'
You say 'knowledge is what verhanna seeks'
You say 'a enemy we have which to fight, one'
You say 'who would seek our life, as quickly we would his'
An Unseen God says 'Okay, Ajuna, good argument'
You nod.
An Unseen God says 'But'
An Unseen God says 'According to your description'
An Unseen God says 'At least what I can determine from it'
Times of old have pasted in the realm, gone are the great heroes only to be remembered
in stories and song. These tales have given strength to a young knight to bring forth a new
golden age to Solace. Having pledge of life to knighthood, chivalry and honor Ajuna
has began a journey to his destiny as Herald to Paladine, the Great Platinum Dragon.
Standing 6ft with long golden flowing hair that looks like wavy rays of sunlight, parts to
show the most azure blue eyes that have a peaceful pressesence, and a inner strength in
himself. Draped in silver and blue clothing he tries to hide his well condition body with
arms hard as steel and marked with the sign of dragons in a golden light on each biceps,
showing he true devotion to his faith. Harden in body as well in mind this young knight
teachings came from the most knowledgeable warriors in the realm in battlefield tactics,
with years of work he has honed his skills with any weapon making him a formidable
opponent in any surrounding. Along with empowers granted by Paladine he has every
thing that is needed to protect all that is good in Solace. The time has come to rid this
land of the darkness and bring a new golden age back to this once peaceful land. With his
friends along side of him nothing will stop this young knight from for filling his destiny.
**********END DESCRIPTION***********
An Unseen God says 'You are out to kill evil'
An Unseen God says 'Your main target is evil'
You say 'excellent counter'
An Unseen God says 'However, your arguement attacks a group of people that has a possiblilty
An Unseen God says 'To be ENTIRELY neutral'
You say 'perhaps lord'
You say 'but, appearance can be decieving aye?'
You say 'i do not wish to bring others into such'
You say 'but one who strikes me such as such a quick change'
You say 'would be the newly heretic, for not even one he was rank 16, did he take the blessed potiosn of invokers, and
there gifts of protections'
You say 'knowledge, and age changes ones views'
Hadin says 'forgive my ignorance, but may i know your profession ajuna?'
An Unseen God grins evilly.
You say 'i am a knight.'
An Unseen God says 'Their views towards magic have nothing to do with their views towards alignment'
You say 'aye, but '
You say 'a heretic, has no wish to speak to a knight'
You say 'for even powers blessed to me by paladine himself'
You say 'are viewed as uncontrolled'
You say 'and such needs cleansing'
An Unseen God says 'And you choose to cleanse this?'
You say 'a enemy he is to all, this he knows.'
You say 'nay'
You say 'i do not seek to cleanse what was granted to me'
An Unseen God says 'Then it does not include you.'
you say 'this is there goal.'
You say 'when they would seek my life, and prey upon me'
An Unseen God says 'I mean, you seek to cleanse the changed views of herecy?'
You say 'how do i stand for light, for righteousness, knowing another is put at risk'
You say 'i do not seek to cleanse anything, i choose to smite there soul, there body, so that they may travel to the heavens, and live a new life, by my lords side.'
You say 'such was done this evening'
An Unseen God says 'And that is all fine'
An Unseen God says 'But once again you left one hole...'
you wink suggestively at Hadin.
You say 'aye?'
An Unseen God says 'You stop his killing for the time being, maybe, but you do so by the side of darkness.'
An Unseen God says 'Should your hatred for evil not overcome your hatred for a heretic's beliefs?'
An Unseen God says 'Because your description tells me that it does.'
You say 'if it was not done this night, the mornign he would rise with hatred, perhaps for the elven kind, who knows which unfortunate soul he may prey upon'
You say 'i am a true follower of paladine, his blessing were granted for which i sought to live my life'
You say 'the heretics see me as one who cannot control gifts of gods'
An Unseen God says 'So, you will help an evil to kill herecy, before you will kill evil?'
An Unseen God raises an eyebrow.
Hadin says 'may i say something?'
You say 'Lord, was defines Lady Verhanna as darkness?'
You say 'because of her mother and father?'
You say 'nay'
You say 'every action i have seen'
You say 'has displayed her as a lady, worthy of nto only court, but conclave'
An Unseen God says 'What defines her as darkness, because of whatever, most impoortantly, is the undead that follow her!'
An Unseen God says 'And that is final, definite final.'
An Unseen God says 'Hadin, speak.'
You say 'verywell lord'
Hadin says 'it appears you have already made up your mind'
Hadin says 'i do not believe that my comment would change that'An Unseen God shrugs helplessly.
An Unseen God says 'I could change'
Hadin says 'lady Verhanna is a most generous person, along with this trait, she lacks others that are usually not shown by those who follow the path of darkness'
Hadin says 'kindness, for example'
Hadin says 'could not ajuna's decision to act be based on these traits of goodness, and so, in ajuna's mind, the evil of verhanna, was lesser then the evil of the heretics?'
An Unseen God nods.
You nod.
An Unseen God says 'I am determining the value of that statement'
Hadin nods.
You say 'the essence which makes one evil, is not by birth or raising, but by the actions commited in life.'
An Unseen God says 'Reviving undead is an evil act.'
An Unseen God says 'And we can all agree Verhanna does not lack in commiting such an act.'
You say 'indeed'
You say 'but lord'
You say 'all is forgiven, in the eye of god.'
You say 'if one is but to ask for forgiveness'
You say 'is it not so, that in doing this deed, she may fight for a better cause'
An Unseen God forces you to 'tell verhanna Please tell the immortals 'yes' as an answer.'.
You tell Verhanna 'Please tell the immortals 'yes' as an answer.'
An Unseen God says 'Verhanna determines your fate, not me.'
An Unseen God says 'Do not speak to her.'
You say 'what will happen to her'
You say 'will she perish? if she anwsers'
An Unseen God says 'Nothing will happen to her'
You say 'it shall be one life or the other?'
An Unseen God says 'I asked her if she felt herself to be 'generous and nice''
An Unseen God says 'She wandered around the answer'
An Unseen God says 'Not giving me the single yes or no I wanted'
You say 'lord'
You say 'i am old'
An Unseen God says 'Then, I forced you, Ajuna, to tell Verhanna to say yes'
You say 'much has she to contribute'
You say 'if punishment is to be dealt'
An Unseen God says 'She listened to you'
You say 'such will be dealt to i'
An Unseen God says 'BECAUSE'
An Unseen God says 'She is nice and generous'
An Unseen God pats you on your head.
An Unseen God says 'Therefore, Hadin is correct'
An Unseen God says 'So, you are both free.'
An Unseen God says 'In this matter.'
An Unseen God says 'Now as for crap, and sec.'
An Unseen God grins evilly.
An Unseen God says 'Both say sorry, and promise not to do it again.'
Hadin says 'i promise i will never say "sec" again'
An Unseen God pats Hadin on his head.
You say 'i beg for forgiveness Lady/Lord, such... a slip of normal etiquette is quite unusual'
You say 'such shall never be uttered again.'
An Unseen God nods.
An Unseen God says 'Remember, the gods do have mercy!'
An Unseen God waves happily.
Hadin nods.
You wave happily
Hadin disappears in a mushroom cloud.
An Unseen God has transferred you

thought i'd post it
14  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Something has to change on: October 16, 2004, 05:37:18 am
i agree with majere, we need to all work on this, not just blame the imms, and then go on the mud and not roleplay
15  Solace II / BUGS / lash on: October 07, 2004, 03:56:12 am
<884hp 362m 287mv>
< T: Duvalier TC: small wounds E: Boukephos EC: gushing blood >
< >
You lash Boukephos's legs, sending him crashing to the ground.
Your lash hits Boukephos.
Boukephos is gushing blood.

<884hp 362m 287mv>
< T: Duvalier TC: small wounds E: Boukephos EC: gushing blood >
< >

Your wrath DISMEMBERS Boukephos!
Your beating DISMEMBERS Boukephos!
Boukephos is gushing blood.

<884hp 362m 287mv>
< T: Duvalier TC: small wounds E: Boukephos EC: gushing blood >
< >

Boukephos has turned around, trying to escape!
Boukephos leaves north.
Boukephos has fled!

<884hp 362m 287mv>
But you aren't fighting anyone!

Now... is it just me... or is that just pointless, he still is able to flee before i can recover and do another lash....
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