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1  Solace II / BUGS / Knight of Paladine? on: October 18, 2004, 08:46:44 pm
Hello, I have recently made a knight of paladine. At rank five I wrote my description and went all the way to the end of the eastern road where I kneeled and worshipped. I recieved my sign and such, but when I look at my spells list I don't see Sanctuary or Vengeance on my list, I was wondering if was a bug or not. Thanks

2  Solace II / Ideas / Re: Auto Storage? on: October 04, 2004, 10:55:12 am
Thankyou for the reply Kiri, and Majere!
And that is good news about the weekly deal Kiri.
3  Solace II / Ideas / Auto Storage? on: September 27, 2004, 06:47:27 am
Hello I have been playing solace off an on for a few years now and have enjoyed it very much.  I was very unhappy when it was closed down and am glad to see it up again.  However, I have a problem with the limit on high end equipment.  I understand the reasoning behind making everyone play 1 and a half hours a day to keep their high end items. Naturally the reason for doing that is to keep people from hording these items and to give everyone a chance at getting their hands on them if the people with said items aren't playing regularly.  However, I find the I can't usually play regularly.  I can always play at least one or two times a week often for 4-5 hours at least each time.  I was wondering if the Immortals might consider changing it from a daily amount of play time which can be tough. To a weekly amount of play time, say 7 or eight hours of play a week to keep those items I think that would still allow for the fairness of keeping items from being horded as well as let some of us who can't play every single day to have fun as well. Thankyou and I hope the Immortals will read this and perhaps consider it.

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