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Solace II / BUGS / four ranger pets?
on: September 25, 2004, 03:34:54 pm
They aren't here. A bear has arrived. A lion has arrived. A lion has arrived. A lion has arrived. A merman guard says 'State your business Olaf, or be gone!'
<606/989hp 223/477mp 282/286move 339295Exp Exits:<NESW> c sleep olaf You begin chanting your magical spell. Olaf yells 'Die, Ineluku you sorcerous dog!' Spell failed. Olaf is in perfect condition.
Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: I am confused...
on: September 17, 2004, 01:49:09 pm
Everything is simple, first thing I am elf assassin, assassin - it's killer isn't it? Second that my role is fanatic of light, I do not care if you are good or neutral, you serve God of Lies who opposes Gods of Light. Remember templers from middleage, they were "good" but killed a lot of people. Also, I do not think that elves should care about dwarf is good or evil, it's simply dwarf.