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1  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: I just wonder.. (a small poll added) on: October 12, 2004, 09:09:50 pm
Its interesting that you put a poll out like this, however the main thing you all should be doing is not any of the 4 suggestions you have put on your poll....the main thing that needs to happen is people need to start ROLEPLAYING....you would be so surprised how many people will come back and new people will actually STAY...its important that a mud has roleplay, especially if its advertiseing it as roleplay...I honestly would have never came to Solace if I didnt see that it said ROLEPLAY ENFORCED...The IMM staff cant do it all by themselves, what the players need to do is this, if you are pk'd or attacked for no other reason then just because, you should send a note to the IMM's so they can deal with said person, if they are not corrected or stopped then they are going to continue to do it...enough said.

Kylie, The Healing Shield of Mishakal
2  Solace II / Common Discussions / My Observations of Solace II on: October 11, 2004, 10:30:43 pm
Hello all, I wanted to post a little bit of frustration and confusion in what I have seen and heard within this mud since I have started playing here...(which is about 2 weeks ago)...Here are some of the issues that I find extremely disturbing and rather upsetting to me IC'ily and OOC'ily....

Subject #1:   "This MUD claims to be a ROLEPLAY ENFORCED Mud"

Hmmm....I hate to be the one to break it to you, but there is about ZERO roleplay going on in this MUD, hell I am scared to even enter the city due to the players attacking each other for no other reason then because they are bored.  I have sat in the square and other places many times and tried to roleplay, this was extremely unsuccessful.  There are some very nice people here, Serril assisted me alot, along with Sharlise, both have been extremely helpful and kind...However, let me tell you a little story....I leveled to 10th level this morning with my elven cleric, and I hadnt been 10th level for more then 10 seconds and someone pk'd me, I have never seen this person before, never roleplayed with this person before, never even seen him/her on the who list before...I honestly do not mind being Pk'd, I do mind being pk'd and not knowing why the hell or who the hell is pk'ing me and for what reason....(IMM's, if you didnt know, this is the sort of thing that makes newbies quit and never play your mud again, I have brought three friends here to play and they are begging me to quit, I on the other hand am trying to give this mud a fair chance, its not looking promiseing.)

I have seen nothing but pure PK from this MUD since day one I have been here, This MUD is so far from ROLEPLAY ENFORCED its not even funny, I have made about 4 characters here already in the 2 weeks I have played, two of them are 23rd and 25th levels....I have been PK'd (5) times since I have played here, the 5th one this morning when I was a mere 10th level and trying to quit so that I could goto work...and I might add that all my equipment was fully looted, which also is a whole other discussion....anyways.

Now that I have ranted a bit, which I believe is a reasonable rant....my suggestions are this:

The city seems to be the hub for PK not RP, which is bad....my friends and I are scared to go into the cities due to being pk'd, which is causing us not to beable to roleplay, not that any is taking place anyways...but this is the main problem...perhaps make the square a safe zone so that people can roleplay if they choose to...

Secondly, if people are going to loot, perhaps make the looting restricted to 2 or 3 items, that way when newbies like myself that take a long time getting suited up and finding gear dont want to quit because we cant find any nice gear anymore....perhaps focus more on roleplaying with the person your going to kill, then kill them...not just BANG, your dead...(I didnt like the way you looked, or your a elf, or your good, or your evil...sorry, tough luck...)that is crap, that is not roleplay...just because I am a elf doesnt mean a draconian should trapse into my temple and slay me, how the hell did he even know I was a elf, how does he know anything about me?  The Answer is he didnt, he didnt even speak a word to me, nothing...just took my frail little elven body and slung me up against a wall with bash and commensed to beating the crap outta me.

On a side note, why is TELL a incharacter channel?  A roleplay enforced MUD allows TELL to be IC???  Umm...last time I checked, my character didnt have psionics or the force working for her, and I hope its not because she is smart because I have seen Minotaurs useing tell as well...(cough...no offense Minotarus...whistles innocently)...

Now something positive:
I believe this mud has awesome potential, if I didnt think this I would leave, there are 1900 muds out there I could choose from, however the code in this mud is extremely good and I can see there was some extremely hard work put into it...the reason I know that is because I own a fairly successful mud of my own, I have coded and built it from scratch as well, I find it fun to check out other peoples creations and I love to roleplay....I hope this is helpful, and I didnt mean to vent completely, but I was a little furious about a few things....

Kylie, The Elven Healer of Mishakal

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