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1  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re: Блин.. on: December 04, 2004, 11:16:39 pm
На месте посмотрим - 3-е будет уже хорошо. Ждем до 14-30 и двигаем.
2  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re: Блин.. on: December 04, 2004, 02:21:17 pm
ОК. Договорились. Кинь свою фотку или описание в чем ты будешь там стоять ибо я тебя в лицо не знаю.
3  Solace II / Ideas / Re: Faerie fog on: December 04, 2004, 02:18:43 pm
Ya lets leave as much way to abuse game mechanic as possible. Nice vote.
P.S. If gang want you dead you are about 100% dead only if you are clanned - other was you can always use pwq or just dissapears in some far area.
4  Solace II / Ideas / Re: PK system. on: December 04, 2004, 02:16:44 pm
You actually dont need any clan to grow up - just use some race/alignment that will not be immedly hunted by some clan (gnome for example).
5  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re: Блин.. on: December 04, 2004, 02:42:11 am
Всех устраивает?
6  Solace II / Logs / Re: Just a day of fighter's life on: December 04, 2004, 12:36:22 am
Re: Solan - it happends like this:
1. Daokir came when some non-clanned persons out from mine range attacked outer Takhisis guardian to provoke our 26 (?) level necromance on fight. Me and highlord was around. Suddenly some nonclanned warrior (Daokir) came into area near camp. He was asked to leave and just decide to stay. Immedly after he refuse to leave he was attacked by me and Highlord and runs. Im worded Palanthas and attack him there. Verate worded in a few after me for the same reason and came into place where i was fighting Daokir right after my death and finished Daokir. When im recalled to Palanthas ia saw two empty corpse and Daokir with full set of my equpment gigling about how nice he looted me.
7  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re: Блин.. on: December 03, 2004, 08:23:40 pm
8  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re: Блин.. on: December 03, 2004, 06:19:39 pm
Я русским языком предложил кандидатуру моей квариры. Я готов выслушать любые другие реальный предложения по месту встречи и месту бухания но до настоящего момента я не наблюдаю ни одного.
9  Solace II / Logs / Re: Just a day of fighter's life on: December 03, 2004, 06:17:33 pm
As i remember Verate comes exactly after i die to you Smiley. Loser looted wrong corpse Smiley).
10  Solace II / Logs / Re: Just a day of fighter's life on: December 03, 2004, 12:06:31 am
Aleast try to be honest - you fully looted my corpse when i die fighting you 1 vs 1 and after this you want us to be nice and friendly Smiley.
11  Solace II / Logs / Re: Just a day of fighter's life on: December 03, 2004, 12:02:17 am
You skipped alot of other fighting and looting also. And your tell about you thankful me for new nice set of equipment *smile*.
12  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re: Блин.. on: December 02, 2004, 11:59:18 pm
Короче встречаемся в метро Университет в 14-00 в конце зала (точка противоположенная эскалатору). Далее определимся куда идем.
13  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re: Блин.. on: December 01, 2004, 07:27:40 pm
Критик: до МГУ 10 минут пешком. Реально более никто не хотит присоединится?
14  Solace II / Ideas / Re: Spellbooks for Quest points. on: December 01, 2004, 02:43:56 am
Im personally will be glad to see really useful manuals on some buff mobs in area like Edge or Netherworld, so you will be able to come and load it but it will costs you alot of corpses and time. It can be done as _book quest_ or whatever - so you getting some really buff quest and have to form group and run it into destination point to get yourself manual or book that you are really need. In this case clan leaders will be able to get manual they are looking for not just spamming mermaids or mausoleum (that looks kinda dumb for me)
15  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: viper become slightly worse on: December 01, 2004, 02:38:20 am
Tiger is style created for season assasins to start the fight. You start fight in tiget with blind or strangle then then you decide to make attempt to slay your opponent you switch into other style (pyphon or wyvern).
Imo its totally useless for shadow assasin.
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