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1  Solace II / Logs / Re:What's going on ?! on: April 08, 2004, 05:20:20 am
About Ilaril's aggression... here's my take on it. I think you just came in at a bad time, that he didn't plan to attack.

It said his first attack to you was a crushing blow... meaning mace swing, I assume? Well.... Zholohr starts with a Z... what else starts with a Z? Zombie. What was the group of goods fighting? A zombie.

So if Ilaril is using 'swing z' for attacking the zombie, and you walk in, becoming the newest enemy in the room.... well then... whoops!  Tongue

But then of course, there's the matter of having to type "murder," but I really don't know what happened before your log started.
2  Solace II / Logs / Re:Hiddukel gain one more mortal soul... on: April 07, 2004, 03:28:52 am

Tarron tells you 'hello littl elf'

You tell Tarron 'Greetings, sir? *raises an eyebrow*

Tarron tells you 'i was wondering.'

Tarron tells you 'if you were willing to change your ways and serve lord chemosh
You tell Tarron 'I am sorry, but I cannot serve anyone but Lady Mishakal.'

Tarron tells you 'may i ask why you wish to serve somone with just little power?
 when i am offering the lord of dead's hand'

You tell Tarron 'If your eyes cannot see the true strength of Lady Mishakal, the
n Chemosh's service has granted you no insight. I will not betray my goddess for
 your dark promises.'

Tarron tells you 'He only offers his hand once, i suggest you don't reject it, f
or your sake.'

You tell Tarron 'For my sake? I do not accept those who come to me with threats.
 Offer your Lord's hand to me no more.'

Tarron tells you 'take it has you will, for i will threaten anyone who refuses m
y lords act, they need to see his true power.'

You tell Tarron 'Your Lord's agents lack subtlty. Threaten as you will, I will no
t join a force for the ways of darkness or chaos.'

Tarron tells you 'then you shall hear my voice yelling in your ears.'

You tell Tarron 'And you will feel the admonishment of the Lords of Light.'

Tarron tells you 'i am not undead. your healing spells wont do you any good.'

You tell Tarron 'I am not the enemy you should worry about. I have made my decis
ion... either sheathe your tongue and draw your weapon, or leave me.'

Tarron tells you 'are you threatening me with someone esle, can nto fight your o
wn battles?'

Tarron tells you 'if you do so, i will sent note to every person in cave with yo
ur name on it, making you and friend have mark on there heads, and i will give 1
00 gold each time you die.'

Tarron tells you 'do not threaten my you weak little elf'

You tell Tarron 'I speak for no one person. I am merely offering you the advice
that should you continue to make threats, you will garner the attention of those
 much more dangerous than I.'

Tarron tells you 'then when i come i will bring my army to watch my back'

Tarron tells you 'the caves of chaos grow stronger each day'

You tell Tarron 'Indeed, it is so. But I will not be one of t
hem. You have heard my decision.'

You win some, you lose some...  Roll Eyes
3  Solace II / Logs / Re:strange throw on: March 02, 2004, 12:58:37 pm
Sure, everyone here misses the old Solace, and wishes for things to be the way they were... but truthfully, Solace is about the PEOPLE, and the atmosphere, more than it is the code. Isn't it nice to be able to be here, as new Solace is being built, so that your opinions and advice on how things should be implemented can be heard and have some weight, rather than in the old one where nothing was likely to be changed? BE happy for what you have  Smiley
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