Well Kiri, probably you are right, i have very bad eq but i don't know how can i get more then 30dr from non-limit eq (seems i know new areas bad) . About skills - i'm mastered in all deffence skills of course, but i think you know what you are talking about and know what and when checks, and may be i just don't know some new tricks with assassins.
If you want more damage, play by Heretic warrior or ranger.
And about tactic - seems i don't understand something too, but i still see only one way - assassinate, even sucsesfull sting don't help me to kill victims. i don't deal enough damage in one hour.. looks like now assassins are support class.
P.s I would like to test assassin under your controll if you don't mind, if you will decide that it's ok - let it be so.
P.s.s Looks like it's realy becomes flood and only few interesting replays.
Watch up, dear. There only 2 types of answers - use better tactic or use better equipement and weapon.