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Author Topic: Client macros and aliases (every true newbie should read)  (Read 7870 times)
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« on: May 28, 2007, 08:17:13 pm »

In the FOR NEW PLAYERS THREAD (http://solace.i-read-you.ru/forum/index.php/topic,694.0.html) Solinari detailed some programs that make navigating the realms a lot easier, but I think some people still aren't getting enough out of their MUDclients. I might be part of that demographic, but I'll share what i've learned over the years.

I use an older version of Zmud from www.zuggsoft.com and it seems to suit my needs. I play guitar and have suffered from a strain injury in the past that results from things like too much typing, phone dialing etc, so I had to find a way to shorten commands in the game. After playing for a while I've created a few macros and aliases that are standard for most or all of my chars. Try some out and see if you find them helpful. Listed below are which keys I use as an example, but you can bind it to whatever works for you.

First of all find out what your seperator char is so you can string multiple actions in one command. I use "/".

*KEYS* (as soon as you hit the key, it executes the command):
tilde (`) - "where" (you spam this often in Palanthas and other populated areas)
F2-"get (food) bac/eat (food)"
F3-"get (water container) bac/dri (container)"
F5- "put all bac/sack" (whichever you are carrying)
F11-"scan e/scan n/scan s/scan w"
F9-"get rug bac/drop rug/sle rug"
F10-"wak/get rug/put rug back"

I've also done one key (F12) to cast all protective spells on past magic intensive chars like invoker/trans/mishicler.
If you memorize the path to a place you can string e/n/s/w together so one key will take you to commonly visited areas, or your client might have a way to record paths (sadly mine doesn't record opening doors Sad).

*ALIASES* (you must hit enter after typing the command to execute)
one good way to use aliases is to just shorten spell and other names that you use often with chars. Here are some I have used:
h-cast 'haste'
di-cast 'detect invis'
f-cast 'fly'

If you use the #pad to navigate, then the numbers alligned horizontally are great for aliasing the commands you use most often.
4'cross slice'
6-c 'sanc'

Another tip that few newbies know is to make an alias to attack a specific target (useful in PK or ranking). Also, if you use the alias command in the mud itself instead of the client, then you can use that alias within other aliases/keys.
syntax: alias 2 c 'sleep'
then any time you put the number "2" in an alias thru client menu it will automatically read it as 'cast sleep'. So if you are hunting a specific individual you can use a key or alias for "2 (target)". There are also code variables you can use to represent targets and other objects, but I won't get into it for now.

Hopefully this is helpful to some of you out there and lets you focus more on learning the realms than typing mundane commands  Wink

Any experienced players feel free to contribute, or new players ask any questions you have.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2007, 08:22:33 pm by ProphallictiC » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2007, 10:48:07 pm »

I'll try to help with jmc actions then.
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« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2007, 07:15:34 am »

I'm pretty sure most newer mud clients have a seperator char and use aliases/macros in fairly similar ways so the info should be pretty versatile.

Nothing is too much to hope for.
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2007, 12:07:54 pm »

JMC and Mud are slightly different, but the idea to use macros/alias/triggers is a great idea. I use ZMUD but I have not yet worked out how to set it for PK-ing.

And if you over trigger - you disconnect! Just remember that when you are using it for spell/empower training.  Grin Wink
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« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2007, 01:50:07 pm »

its a safety feature! infinite loops are evil!

I don't want it back. You can never get rid of the smell, you know. Besides, that dagger was Flint's!
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2007, 08:00:29 pm »

just do proper triggers Smiley

most useful are:
#action {An Unseen God} {#ig}
#action {Your dehydration} {#ig}
#action {has summoned you!} {#bell}
#action {You yell loudly 'Help!} {#bell}
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« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2007, 09:31:51 pm »

#act {TICK} {at icingdeath zecho An Unseen God}

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« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2007, 12:30:37 am »

-I now have superior front end envy...as a Gmud user I have no idea what the last two posts meant....umm gmud is ok it allows for macros alias and triggers...but no bells Huh those just fancy trigger language?

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« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2007, 12:36:23 am »

it's jmc action language Wink
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« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2007, 12:58:15 am »

My post was mainly to give the people an idea of what kinds of things you want to make aliases and macros for, not necessarily how to do it, because every MUD program is going to be a little bit different.

I think it was incredibly slow reaction times for people doing things like "get rug" or "cast 'some protective spell' Windel" that gave me the idea some people need help.

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« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2007, 10:53:24 am »

All parries, dodges and other blocks (both your own and enemies') etc should be gagged, otherwise in PK too much text scrolls by for you to make any sense of it.

Beneficial spells wearing off should be highlighted. One missing sanc or protectorate will very easily lead to death and loot. Also, maledictions being cast on you should be highlighted.

Instead of typing n, s, e etc. you should hotkey directions to your numpad (I think the default profile in JMC already does this for you). For example on my numpad I have 8, 6, 2, 4 as n, e, s, w respectively. 9 = up, 3 = down, 7 = mount, 1 = dismount, and 5 = look. This way you can move your character with your right hand alone and type aliases with your left (Use the enter key on numpad instead of the main one) which greatly increases your response speed.

Aliases should be limited to 1 letter or repetitions of 1 letter where possible - this makes it easy for you to type them with left hand only, and reduces chance of mistyping in PK (important if you are a clumsy typist like me). Also, it is a convenient way of organizing related aliases. For example:

e - east (default)
ee - scan east
eee - open east
eeee - close east

or maybe:

0 - c 'cure critical'
00 - c 'cure mortal'
000 - c 'heal'

Hotkeys vs aliases - hotkeys should be for things you have to type extremely frequently (e.g. 'where', 'who'), aliases can be used for things that you do less often like eating, sleeping.
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