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Author Topic: Just a log  (Read 6615 times)
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« on: January 31, 2015, 11:46:44 pm »


Now tell me please, what for all that notes to Takhisis from Unseen Gods about defending clan one to one against enemies from other clans, no looting etc? I'm really tired of all that ooc friend's helping and eq transfering.
Guys, all of you like to talk about respect, leaving solace because of full looting, cry about your shinies. So many topics about that but first try to look at yourself. Zondra, as far as I remember, left Solace, but Bennur suddenly appeared (presented your char to someone?) and helped Brayden - Tower leader (!!!) who equipped like a god! Brayden always plays for hours but when he was so close to death he just left realm after 10 minutes . And his friend after him. You're real munchkin - leader of Tower and also member of red moon shrine. But don't act like a gay. If you're so coward - don't enter clan. When Grubis and Quiqva were playing Brayden NEVER came to reraid! Same as sofa-warrior Irtion and many of you, honorable readers of this topic. Heretics always got him under his inner or outer guard. But you were brave coming to Quiqva 5 on 1. I was laughing when that moron Ignimur asked the reason of full looting him. Hey man, you killed everybody for NOTHING and FULL looted. Will I respect you for that? And should I respect someone for ooc, drop link, hiding without coming on reraid? So won't cry if you'll see nothing in your corpse next time...
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 11:48:18 pm by Lelik » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2015, 12:19:37 am »

Yes I do play for hours... That's a good thing. And if I only had a few that is okay too. Bennur didn't assist me in any fight he was there to make sure if I did die you didn't full loot. None the less before you talk about OOC and eq transfers. Let's look how the hell did you get Chromo gear??? OOC transfer. Wait that's how your heretic got deleted. Shut the f*ck up. What are you bitching about? Your one of the worst I've seen. I told you I had to go.. I did have to go and you want to talk sh*t about it. I also said thanks and how I look forward to the battles to come. I appreciated that you guys didn't jump me. Please also take note that bennur didn't assist in any of the fights with you or your RL brother. That just so happens to be on whenever you are on
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« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2015, 01:23:11 am »

Bennur didn't assist me in any fight he was there to make sure if I did die you didn't full loot.
Blah, blah, ooc enter, group and just watching for no full loot. How many things can he get? 4-5? Shut your f*****g mouth up.

[Exits: east south]
(White Aura) A charming dryad stands here, piercing you with her crystal-blue eyes.
(White Aura) Bennur the male minotaur is here.
(White Aura) Brayden the male wild elf is here.

<1024/1108hp 869/1135mana 324/325mv 709694tnl | ES>

Brayden says, 'Heal.'   

Wait that's how your heretic got deleted.
I was denied for my questions, not for transfer.
What are you bitching about?
This log about everything and everybody. Don't shout about rules and looting if you break them by yourself.
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« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2015, 08:42:59 am »

well, all was ok it seems. What for all this bitching? Why Bennur can't heal and protect Brayden? He did not assisted while the reraid. Just was near to heal I guess? And anyone can be forced to leave suddenly even in weekend. It's not a reason for complainigs!

I'm glad that actions have returned. Smiley
Stop bitching, just play and get fun.

PS: I knew that zondra will be back fast Wink
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 08:55:24 am by andrey » Logged
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« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2015, 08:46:45 pm »

Bugagagaga. I can say tons of words about those cheaters Duncon (Brayden) and Zondra (Bennur).
They created to takhs before New year, Nydel and Gorgoth, and transferred eq through my DHL.
Seems Bennur had some chromo storaged for his fighter takh, but then deleted him.
And let me remind ya about Koelsoh, and Sigurd who intersect in clan wars.

Ehh, I just whine cause have no RL friend to make clan team, yeah.
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« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2015, 09:35:58 pm »


I'm sorry to say but you are deeply mistaken, Gorgoth or any takhs i have never created. The only two Characters i have created sense coming back, where

Ceesha a druid Warder, and Brayden.  So whatever you are referring to i can not speak towards.

So please help me understand where i'm being put in this place of "Cheaters"...

Sigurd stored the Chromo and bennur gave the pieces he had to Sigurd to hold onto the full set...

everyone so quick to put cheating as explanations to this and to that. This is why solace has become something that i no longer feel the want to be apart of. I did give my remaining equipment away. I don't know if you guys will suddenly think that was some sort of transfer..... guess simply. I don't care 
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« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2015, 10:55:32 pm »

Sorry, Duncon, then.
But what would Zondra say about Russ, Nydel, Bennur.
I Tired of char 20th heretic wanna be wearing Djinn ring and so on.
He cant even fly!
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« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2015, 12:10:03 am »

I can't really speak for Zondra, and i am unfamiliar with a couple of those names  Russ never heard of Nydel i knew to be in takhisis but didn't know that to be Zondra until i read it on the Forum.

I tried to not see the individual playing the character and more see the Character being played by the individual. There are not many i can tell is someone else unless i can sense maybe a personal vendetta.  This is probably why i will take a break, let all the bad blood that seems to be out there disperse.

I'm here for the RP, And when its no longer about building a toon to build a personality and more about building a toon because there attributes are best fit to kill who ever is on top. Its just not appealing.

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« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2015, 12:32:58 am »

me and duncon are friends, have been for over 13 years now i guess. but i don't make chars with him or plan to join the same clans or make pk teams, that isnt fun imho.  in fact my chars have attacked his many times, my old heretic attacked his warder, arsa declared war on brayden and tower, funny how when you were highlord you weren't bitching when i was helping you get eq or telling you were to go etc. when i'm not on your side i'm an asshole. o well.
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« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2015, 09:17:42 am »

What? You helped only when Gods made quest of intruding creatures for Nitherworld, when all of the clans unite against. So you just didnt need those armors and I got it, asked you before.

But you kicked my ass many times, respect, and let me revenge in the fields of Krynn. *wink*
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« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2015, 03:51:52 pm »

only time i "kicked your ass" was arsa on your highlord which arsa just had way to high of res vs phy wasn't really fair vs alt trans, just odds not in your fav, an ass kicking is two more even matched foes and one clearly wins like if two fighters faught. thats like a druid telling a necro i kicked your ass! when they are coded to beat necros, i don't think i even kicked anyones ass,just luck
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