Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Logs => Topic started by: ekve on November 01, 2004, 11:23:54 am

Title: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: ekve on November 01, 2004, 11:23:54 am
The eastern part of courtyard
     The corpse of Ludlum is lying here.
     The torn-out heart of Ludlum is lying here.
(White Aura) Elutharo the male minotaur is here riding a young brass dragon.

1315/1315 671/671 335 2041 NES>
Elutharo gets the heart of Ludlum.
The shadows about you dissipate.
The white aura around Elutharo's body fades.

1315/1315 671/671 341 2041 NES>
Elutharo eats the heart of Ludlum.

[/log] :o

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: BEHC on November 01, 2004, 12:03:01 pm

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Elutharo on November 01, 2004, 12:17:54 pm
*licks his mouth and smiles*

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Akhulas on November 01, 2004, 12:20:45 pm
and this is a man who screaming so much about other's rp...

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: bulo4ka on November 01, 2004, 12:23:15 pm
many times: *applaud*

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Solan on November 01, 2004, 03:44:32 pm
But on a technical note, that actually probably was in character.
Somewhere in Dragons of a Fallen Sun, Galdar makes the comment that Minotaurs believe that when one of their fellow warriors falls in battle, they should eat his heart so that his fighting soul passes on to them and grants them strength.  And no, I don't believe this is just for evil minos, but for mino society in general.  I could find the quote if anyone insists, reading it again atm anyways, just passed that point ;)

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Grim Assassin on November 01, 2004, 04:19:37 pm
*Nods in complete agreement*

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Elutharo on November 01, 2004, 09:07:40 pm
Thank you Solan, im glad somebody else knows something about history

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Elutharo on November 01, 2004, 09:10:55 pm
and this is a man who screaming so much about other's rp...

What the hell have you been reading? I never questioned anyones rp, well with the exception of heretics and wielding magical items. Other then that i have never complained about someone's rp.

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Sgt Pepper on November 02, 2004, 12:15:04 am
Drangonlance is such a racist book...

Eating hearts was commom among a few african and south american warriors, why do a big, ugly and idiot race also do that?  :-\

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Dudley on November 02, 2004, 06:15:35 am
Dudley boggles at that comment. Its a warrior thing dont read too much into it ;) and he got lucky with that assassinate I didnt even realize at first it happened.  Some of the profanity that came out of my mouth would make satan himself cringe.  Afterward I was just plain old bitter.

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Elutharo on November 02, 2004, 10:19:00 am
Drangonlance is such a racist book...

Eating hearts was commom among african and south american warriors, why do a big, ugly and idiot race also do that?  :-\

..... I love you, you have made my evening with that comment :D

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Sgt Pepper on November 02, 2004, 04:51:30 pm
Well... I do not agree with that, these books (Dragonlance, Lord of the Rings, D&D games) suk for that, thats why I stoped reading them.

If you are a f**king nazi simply get out of here.

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Dudley on November 03, 2004, 05:29:17 am
Minotaurs also happen to be a proud race who think they're better than everyone else. A warrior race, as i said before. Why do you have to look only for the negative things?

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Elutharo on November 03, 2004, 08:36:20 am
Very proud indeed.

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Sgt Pepper on November 03, 2004, 03:13:27 pm
But it's still racist, they are strong and stupid, it is how Europe use to saw other cultures, seems that this point of view still prevail.

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Dudley on November 03, 2004, 08:56:10 pm
First of all, the people that write these books are geeks. So what is on their mind is sorcery, chivalry, heroism, and whatever pops into their fantasy. My guess is "Lets bash Africa, by relating them to cows/bulls" in my book far from probability. Someone probably said "hey it would be really cool if he ate the heart"

Second, A Minotaur is a well greased killing machine, you cant have such a perfect killer be intelligent too. I just couldnt see something like Elutharo the male minotaur, Arcane Lord of the Tower.  And what if the guy in question said to himself "Hey there are mighty warriors in Africa who eat the hearts of their slain foes. They are good hunters, lets borrow their custom for these good hunters."

As far as I'm concerned you are too sensitive to the whole racism = minotaur thing. If that's the case I think you should have a serious problem with the running of the bulls in Spain. (((Bull = Minotaur = African)) god damn racist bulls.

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Grim Assassin on November 04, 2004, 06:36:14 pm
In 'Last of the Mohicans', the Huron gets the heart of his fallen enemy....

I don't think it was being racist, in fact it makes the Huron look even more powerful and dangerous.

Remember, most 'racism' is only seen by white middle-aged men who cause more offence by pointing out and trying to explain what they think is racist!

I don't think anyone from Africa would compare the eating of a heart in a fantasy book in any way a racist comment. It would not even enter their minds.

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Zeboim on November 05, 2004, 02:50:31 pm
Much ado about nothing it is... :P

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Sgt Pepper on November 06, 2004, 04:14:15 am
Well, I think that this topic isn't going anywhere so let me say some final words about it:
Lord of  the Rings:

- Sauron, the DARK lord
-  in the movie, the only humans that fight for sauron (I can't recall the name now) were wearing turbans and riding gigantic elephants (the mumakils), you can't deny that they are moslems.
-the elfs, that clearly mean something like purity, beauty, etc have white skin, yellow, golden or silvery hair and green or blue eyes
I understand that this book was written in the early 1900, but it's still used as base-books to RPG and fantasy books


-that stuff that I already said about minos
-the same elvish stuff of the LotR
-The greater evil god is a woman (or a female dragon, whatever)
I didn't actually read  any Dragonlance, all that I know is what I learned playing solace. :-[

Dungeons and Dragons and others similars RPGs

-Drows: BLACK elfs with WHITE hair
-In the whole book, you can only see 1 mulatto character, the others are white.
-again the same stuff of dark lord, dark land etc...

I don't abominate these books, actually I play D&D, and read all of the Tolkiens books, I just think that it could be different, the vile white-skinned elfs destroy a village of peaceful minotaurs. :P ;)

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Dudley on November 06, 2004, 10:01:13 am
I agree, though i cant help but to reply

In all
-black is a scary color man...its unknown, its  your eyes closed, fear is unknown
-black people are not the color black, and white people are not the color white they are just easy to relate and people are lazy with cognition

-having muslem guys kick ass on giant elephants isnt so bad seeing as how the muslems beat the bejesus out of the christians in 4/4 crusades (saving the outcome of the first where they established a good trade route, but that didnt protect them from the ass whipping)
-elf a white guy wrote the book so its his fantasy, and in his mind's eye beauty is more than likely a white chick, thats my guess anyway if elves are supposed to personify that beauty

-same as before
-and dragons are bad ass. enough said

- you'd better be careful with that white hair....having white rooted so close to their brains is probably turning them evil. i bet if you shave their heads they'd come back as 'children of the light'

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Grim Assassin on November 08, 2004, 11:51:51 am
I will reply just once more...

Most racism is dreamed up only in a do-gooders mind, seen where it does not exist, causing more harm when it is searched for and created from nothing.

Real racism is evil, bad and terrible, but there's enough of it around already that we don't have to look for it where it doesn't matter.

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Dudley on November 09, 2004, 12:02:04 am
I'll buy that. Sounds right in my book

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Solan on November 09, 2004, 03:12:22 am
Well said indeed, oh he of the Grim Ass

Title: Re: Cannibals among us! Terrible !
Post by: Sgt Pepper on November 09, 2004, 12:33:53 pm
Most racism is dreamed up only in a do-gooders mind, seen where it does not exist, causing more harm when it is searched for and created from nothing.

I know that racism in those books are not a huge problem, but my point is that it do exist, I'm from a very racist country (even with 49% of the population being black) and I know what "real" racism is and how problematic it can be, the only thing I'm saying is that if some fantasy writters had some good will it could change.

Damn, I couldn't hold myself, replied again  :P.

Well said indeed, oh he of the Grim Ass
