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1  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re: Nice new Forum on: August 30, 2004, 02:01:51 pm
don't really like this version Wink
2  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re:Who ruins Solace? on: August 28, 2004, 11:53:02 pm
And if immortal blaming and insulting me? what should I do? eat it?
3  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re:Characters who were denied for OOC reasons on: August 28, 2004, 11:11:33 pm
*tip* Dalamar
My big thanks... I suppose some people will join me in that thanks.
Sad that is too late Sad( I think there was no any insult if we had such post right after deny Sad(( and solace was not be closed yeh
4  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re:Ok Teili Мне (Леоре) Ты тоже скажешь что матом не ругался в МАДЕ? on: August 28, 2004, 09:53:09 pm
Всё-таки там слажали в финале немного, честный фильм о нацизме в Голливуде снять нереально.

А Нортон рулит.
но фильм не плох по любому
5  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re:Ok Teili Мне (Леоре) Ты тоже скажешь что матом не ругался в МАДЕ? on: August 28, 2004, 07:50:45 pm
посмотрюка я лучше фильм *Американская история икс*
6  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re:Ok Teili Мне (Леоре) Ты тоже скажешь что матом не ругался в МАДЕ? on: August 28, 2004, 07:46:17 pm
Smiley)) у меня нет обиды на Кири просто он достал делитить моим посты, потому и флуду, не тронул бы мой основной пост я бы вообще больше ни слова бы не добавил... я тот пост раза 3 набирал перед тем как сообразил сохранить Wink) чей-та туплю
7  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re:Ok Teili Мне (Леоре) Ты тоже скажешь что матом не ругался в МАДЕ? on: August 28, 2004, 07:33:48 pm
Unseenone why you didn't delete me because of insulting Kiri?
8  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re:Ok Teili Мне (Леоре) Ты тоже скажешь что матом не ругался в МАДЕ? on: August 28, 2004, 07:29:47 pm
как чего Smiley деная!!! на форуме Smiley
9  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re:IMPORTANT: Some final words. on: August 28, 2004, 07:29:14 pm
About what role do you speak? when Immortal delets characters because of posts on this forum, I am not telling that I can post by nick of SnS or even your (at list it would be looks like yours) I must admit that Leora didn't swear of Kiri like I did but still my character was not deny and Leora's yes and how does Immortal select character for deletetion if leora had couple of them? Yeh just act like coward kiri ya would be coward of the year Wink and ya talking about role if you can be deleted just for post, And yes Kiri I already leave for another MUD and I will return in Solace only when you won't have any right as Immortal as many other do Wink
10  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re:Ok Teili Мне (Леоре) Ты тоже скажешь что матом не ругался в МАДЕ? on: August 28, 2004, 07:07:06 pm
he will delete this post he is afraid to tell it here  Cool
11  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re:Who ruins Solace? on: August 28, 2004, 07:05:50 pm
Yes, he didn't mean only players when he said that. But I suggested to all Immortal crew: if it can save Solace, let me leave. Why do you think it didn't happen?
Yes leave us please, I can find good cooder for solace Wink
12  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re:Who ruins Solace? on: August 28, 2004, 07:01:59 pm
you know you are the only Immortal I have ever insult in my life and ya realy deserve it at list as I think. I still don't understand how Sargonnas stand before you and listed for your insulting agains him without anyword I could not do it on his place
13  Solace II / Common Discussions / Re:Who ruins Solace? on: August 28, 2004, 06:58:49 pm
ya still didn't get that it is pointless to discuss something with Kiri he always his own opinion and this opinion is always right
14  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re:Доколе? on: August 09, 2004, 05:54:54 pm
ты, что... гуды щас слабые... солома вообще никакая Smiley руки проч от кири гудов и соломы! Smiley
15  Solace for Russian / Общие вопросы / Re:Пиво в баре на каминг рабочей неделе? on: August 06, 2004, 05:09:31 pm
славно погуляли  Cheesy
аха Smiley) кофе с утра было в тему Smiley
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