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Author Topic: Talking with an Unseen Voice (and some questions to him)  (Read 3918 times)

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« on: November 24, 2004, 03:09:11 pm »

An Unseen God tells you 'how come you killed sentinel guard, follower of light ?'
You tell An Unseen God 'sentinel guard? uhm... not near Guardian Cabal, I believe...'

An Unseen God has transferred you.
The Realm of the Dead

[Exits: north east south west]

You tell An Unseen God 'I've killed many stupid nobles only...'    // here I meant numerous solamnic footmen in Palanthas, who like to join to every battle yelling "BANZAI!"
An Unseen God says 'you killed follower of light'
You salute thin air.
You ponder the question.
An Unseen God says 'in the lord Antechamber'
You say 'in the city?'
You shake your head negatively.
An Unseen God nods.
You say 'let me look in my memory...'

An Unseen God has transferred you.
On a tree-lined path through the town  // Rosevale

[Exits: north south]

An Unseen God says 'it happens here'
You ponder the question.
A sentinel arrives from a puff of smoke.

[Exits: north south]
A strong sentinel is here protecting the House of Justice from intruders.

<1076/1076hp 1077/1077m 342/342mv 245131tnl | 1031/264 | NS>
An Unseen God purges the room!
You shake your head negatively.
An Unseen God has created an elven sentinel guard!
An Unseen God points excitedly at an elven sentinel guard!
An elven sentinel guard points excitedly at An Unseen God!
An Unseen God says 'this one'
You say 'don't believe...'
You say 'ah!'
You say 'yes...'
An Unseen God says 'i don't care for your belivings'
You say 'yesterday...'

[Exits: north south]
A stern-faced elf dressed in a white and red uniform watches you closely.

You say 'let me explain...'
An Unseen God says 'anything you going to say before losing your purity ?'
You say 'I understand this elvie feeling...'
You say 'yes'
You say 'one question...'
You say 'is the King of this Town is pure and clear?'
An Unseen God says 'you can find answer yourself - don't you ?'
You say 'is he is worthy to be *REAL* elf?'
You say 'I did...'
You say 'he is not..'
An Unseen God says 'if we created him to be so, so he is'
You say 'I was fighting with him...'
An Unseen God says 'your questions lead to nothing'
An Unseen God says 'you losing your purity at this moment'
You shake your head negatively.
An Unseen God nods.
An Unseen God says 'yes, it is'
You say 'you just don't want to listen, unseen voice...'
You say 'this elvie came to protect this false king...'
An Unseen God says 'there no excuses can be for the spilling the blood of the innocent'
You say 'grhm..'
You say 'he attacked me...'
You say 'may I show?'
You say 'he came to protect the king'
You say 'false king... who doesn't follow the path of light at all...'
You say 'have I called kim? no..'
You say 'but he bravely came'
You say 'shouldn't he accept the consequences of such bravity...'
You say 'I respect his attempt to protect this false king... but could do nothing, he died in one magical spit...'
You say 'which my clothes convoke...'
You say 'indeed, I regret his death... indeed, if I had a chance to persuade him and don't allow him to be envolved into battle, I would gladly do it'

You sigh as you think of him.
An elven sentry sighs as he thinks of you.  Touching, huh?

You wait patiently.

<1076/1076hp 973/1077m 342/342mv 245131tnl | 1031/264 | NS> who neutral
-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
            (PK) Falitan the male elf


<1076/1076hp 1073/1077m 342/342mv 245131tnl | 1031/264 | D> c word
You recite a sweet mystical verse.
Inside the temple of the Silver moon

[Exits: north]
(White Aura) A healer is here preaching the word of Gilean.         // sniff! what a filthy place

And a day before (or "how come") :

<1076/1076hp 936/1065m 340/342mv 359625tnl | 1257/368 | ESU> u
The Lord's Antechamber

[Exits: down]
A stern-faced elf dressed in a white and red uniform watches you closely.
(White Aura) A mighty elflord with leaves in his golden hair rests on the white throne of Rosevale.

<1076/1076hp 936/1065m 339/342mv 359625tnl | 1257/368 | D> where
Players near you:
(PK) Falitan    The Lord's Antechamber

<1076/1076hp 936/1065m 339/342mv 359625tnl | 1257/368 | D> req pend 3.
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves says 'You dare to ask for my belongings!'
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by Erlandor, Lord of the leaves!'
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves attacks you with his divine power, but you aren't there.
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves attacks you with his divine power, but you aren't there.
You parry Erlandor, Lord of the leaves's divine power.
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves prepares to throw himself into the heat of battle.
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves grabs you and slams you to the ground with bone crushing force!
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves's body crush mauls you.
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves grinds you against the ground with brutal skill.
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves's ground control mauls you.
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves has a few scratches.

<1043/1076hp 936/1065m 339/342mv 359625tnl | 1257/368 | D>
< T: Falitan TC: a few scratches E: Erlandor, Lord of the leaves EC: a few scratches >
< >
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves dodges your blast of light.
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves attacks you with his divine power, but you aren't there.
You parry Erlandor, Lord of the leaves's divine power.
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves attacks you with his divine power, but you aren't there.
An elven sentinel guard screams and attacks!       // Brave decision.. but such decision should entail a great responsibility, shouldn't it? At least I haven't attacked him and don't feel I "spill the blood of the innocent".
You parry an elven sentinel guard's punch.
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves has a few scratches.

<1043/1076hp 936/1065m 339/342mv 359625tnl | 1257/368 | D>
< > sniff
You sniff sadly. *SNIFF*
The sun rises in the east.
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves has a few scratches.

three-four rounds skipped ...

<1053/1076hp 910/1065m 342/342mv 359625tnl | 1257/368 | D>
< T: Falitan TC: a few scratches E: Erlandor, Lord of the leaves EC: a few scratches >
< >
Your amulet of the Dragonkind become covered in burning flames.
Your flamestrike decimates Erlandor, Lord of the leaves.
The ancient elven runes on your band flare up.
Your flamestrike *** DEVASTATES *** an elven sentinel guard!   // And here is an expected result. I didn't want his death, but I can't control these magical spits (ah, if I could...) Heretics now may say some words about uncontrollable magic which destroys the world
An elven sentinel guard is DEAD!!
You receive -8 experience points.
You sense that gods of light frown upon you.
An elven sentinel guard hits the ground ... DEAD.
You get 38 silver coins from the corpse of an elven sentinel guard.
The gods give you 48 silver coins for your sacrifice.
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves dodges your blast of light.
Your blast of light decimates Erlandor, Lord of the leaves.
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves's divine power mauls you.
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves attacks you with his divine power, but you aren't there.
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves's divine power misses you.
Erlandor, Lord of the leaves has a few scratches.

<1033/1076hp 910/1065m 342/342mv 359633tnl | 1257/454 | D>
< T: Falitan TC: a few scratches E: Erlandor, Lord of the leaves EC: small wounds >
< > flee
You turn around, trying to escape!
Beneath a crystal staircase

[Exits: east south up]

Well, someone will say than nothing awful happens. No deny. No slay. I haven't lost my sanctuary. Even all my clothes are with me. My elf is of rather old age and may spit on this incident, of course - he will not live for long anyway. But somewhy I feel confused and upset a bit - perhaps, cause of old forgotten "I don't care" and so on... Maybe, my light path isn't so straight. I've killed goody sylphie far ago (*Falitan sighs sadly, but winks to her sister*) - I accept my guilty and hope, I've redeemed it. I carry a banner of dead in my pockets - perhaps, it's enough to transform me into dark elf, I will be glad to discuss it. But now I just don't understand what I did wrong. Nice that Unseen ones still watch the world. Pity that sometimes they don't even listen (so I post all this thing here). What for all these investigations at all then? And may I regain my purity back? If no then why?

Barat (doubt it's a great secret) Smiley
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« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2004, 03:52:13 pm »

See, this is what that idea I posted about before...guards who'll attack anyone on sight being light followers, or good mobs assisting non-good mobs, it really isn't fair.  Maybe, if people are so determined to keep them good and make life so much more difficult for us, not knowing if they'll attack when we're fighting even an evil creature (Happened to me in Ergoth), give something like request where we ask them to leave the room? Grin

You sank my Scrabbleship!
Grim Assassin
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« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2004, 06:03:14 pm »

Sad to see you lost the touch of light, Little Demon.

Though life between the light and the shadow can bring its own joy....

No mercy from my grim ass.

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« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2004, 07:20:27 pm »

This topic should be transfered to BUG section. Since that Unseens head most certainly bug-infected.  Wink
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« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2004, 07:26:05 pm »

Даешь лича фалитану! %()

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« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2004, 08:32:02 pm »


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« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2004, 01:40:34 pm »

а как мог Барат избежать килла сентинела?
бтв, этот вопрос к кириджолиту, кодеру игры.

сделай так чтобы гудовский мобы так не ассистили тогда.
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