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Author Topic: Act of gayness from Nyphistra  (Read 18357 times)
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Frack off?

« on: October 09, 2014, 12:50:09 pm »

Since she knew I was naked since last night, she couldn't resist urge to strike a naked char in PK range.

Well done Nyphistra, your gayness levels improve.

You go to sleep on a coarsely woven rug.

<556/556hp 225/729mana 244/244mv 356254tnl | SD>
You feel unclean.

<556/556hp 225/729mana 244/244mv 356254tnl | SD>
You are blinded by the sparks.

<556/556hp 225/729mana 244/244mv 356254tnl | You are blinded!>
Your eldritch shield fades away.

<556/556hp 225/729mana 244/244mv 356254tnl | You are blinded!>
You yell, 'Help! Someone is smashing me!'
Someone smashes you with her mace.
Someone's crushing blow MASSACRES you!
Someone is in perfect condition.

<486/556hp 604/729mana 244/244mv 356254tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: Irlihk TC: small wounds   E: someone EC: >
< >
Someone's smash DISMEMBERS you!
Someone's smash MANGLES you!
Your crush misses someone.
Someone shield blocks your crush.
Someone is in perfect condition.

<344/556hp 604/729mana 244/244mv 356254tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: Irlihk TC: bleeding wounds   E: someone EC: >
< >
Someone concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Someone's fingers glow with soft blue light!
You tremble as your body begins to revert to dust.
Someone is in perfect condition.

<344/556hp 604/729mana 244/244mv 356254tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: Irlihk TC: bleeding wounds   E: someone EC: >
< >
Someone's smash MANGLES you!
Someone's smash MANGLES you!
Someone is in perfect condition.

<176/556hp 604/729mana 244/244mv 356254tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: Irlihk TC: gushing blood   E: someone EC: >
< >
Someone smashes you with her mace.
Someone's crushing blow *** DEVASTATES *** you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone is in perfect condition.

<37/556hp 604/729mana 244/244mv 356254tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: Irlihk TC: convulsing   E: someone EC: >
< >
Someone's smash MASSACRES you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died and turned into an invincible ghost for a few minutes.

Before the darkened temple of the Dragon Queen

<55/421hp 113/459mana 78/224mv 356254tnl | NE> #grep tell
################################### GREP tell #####################################
You tell Nyphistra, 'Cheaters will be cheaters.'
Nyphistra tells you, 'Sure.'

Good stuff Solace crew.

Rampage of senseless PK goes on.

Keep it up, I foresee a great future for this mud, NOT!.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 12:51:57 pm by khiren » Logged

Just say no!.
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Frack off?

« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2014, 05:07:06 pm »

In shot Nyphistra should be denied or punished.

Breaking of PK rules twice in last 24 hours.

help PK

 I.    Player Killing MUST be a role played appropriately. If you are neutral
       you can't just wander up to someone and slay them for no apparent
       reason. The only exception is if you are attempting to portray a
       homicidal maniac. This would be completely in character for such a
       persona but it'd also be VERY in character for you to be hunted to
       extermination by the general mortal population and, quite likely, by
       the Immortal population as well. However, if you wish to roleplay
       such a character, ALWAYS pray to gods first to gain permission and a
       title. Enough said about that I think.

       Your characters personality, NOT your personal like or dislike of
       another character, should drive your PKs. However, reasons can also
       be based around your alignment. An evil aligned character may freely
       slay a good aligned character. However, if you cannot prove that you
       knew someone's alignment without using OOC information, than it is
       best that you do not kill them.

   II. Player Killing IS NOT ALLOWED in the Out Of Character (OOC) areas such
       as Realm of the Dead; there will be no exceptions to this rule. If you
       are caught, expect a harsh punishment to swiftly jump on your head.

   III.Player Killing is NOT ALLOWED in the newbie zone (The Glade of Beginnings).
       There is NO exception to this rule. Furthermore DO NOT taunt or harass
       other players in the newbie glade, even through roleplay.

   IV. Multiple Player Kills will not be tolerated. Unless you are hunting
       down a homicidal maniac mentioned in Part I. You will be denied for
       this. Of course in order to qualify as a multikiller you must kill
       a player/players repeatedly for no apparent reason. The first time
       can be seen as being roleplayed out, but if you kill the same person
       twice a short time after you had recently killed them once before,
       there better be a good reason for you to kill them again.

       (ex: the guy you killed recently decided to come back and  get some
       revenge. Then since he provoked the fight,  you can enjoy in slaying
       him once again.) If someone kills you once every OOC day, it is
       NOT considered spam killing.

   V.  Have fun and don't bite off more than you can chew. All other aspects
       of Player Killing will be governed by Laws of continents, cities, and

       NOTE:  Multiple Offenders of PK RULES will be dealt with in a MOST
       unpleasant manner. It might hurt feelings to permban"*.ac.ru" but
       if we have to, we will.

       In short, you better have a dang good reason to Player Kill.

I really wish people would read rules before start playing certain class/race.

Just say no!.
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Frack off?

« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2014, 05:08:33 pm »

Will there be some action from immortal stuff, fair bet is that there will be not. You know they are friends, everything goes. Even amending rules so they can flourish in that environment.

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« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2014, 07:43:34 pm »

i have new PK log!

You make a powerful overhead strike with your staff.
Irlihk yells, 'Help! Bullovic has just tried to overhead me!'
Your overhead blow *** DEMOLISHES *** Irlihk!
Irlihk has turned around, trying to escape!
Irlihk leaves south.
Irlihk has fled!

Irlihk stands up.
The gods protect Irlihk from you.
You pat Irlihk on his head.

more gayness here!
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« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2014, 07:58:04 pm »

i have new PK log!

You make a powerful overhead strike with your staff.
Irlihk yells, 'Help! Bullovic has just tried to overhead me!'
Your overhead blow *** DEMOLISHES *** Irlihk!
Irlihk has turned around, trying to escape!
Irlihk leaves south.
Irlihk has fled!

Irlihk stands up.
The gods protect Irlihk from you.
You pat Irlihk on his head.

more gayness here!

Yet another mindless random PK-er with only one goal in his mind, to ruin the game as it is.
Why don't you just leave this place?
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 08:00:28 pm by khiren » Logged

Just say no!.
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« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2014, 08:00:37 pm »

but you started mindless random PK, bud, whats problem now?
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« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2014, 08:04:58 pm »

but you started mindless random PK, bud, whats problem now?

What we did was within rules, what you are doing is breaking rules left and right.

Apparently you never learned how to follow rules of this game.

Pity that they let you in.

This isn't Quake as much as I would like to be. Act like it.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 08:06:47 pm by khiren » Logged

Just say no!.
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Frack off?

« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2014, 08:13:15 pm »

i have new PK log!

You make a powerful overhead strike with your staff.
Irlihk yells, 'Help! Bullovic has just tried to overhead me!'
Your overhead blow *** DEMOLISHES *** Irlihk!
Irlihk has turned around, trying to escape!
Irlihk leaves south.
Irlihk has fled!

Irlihk stands up.
The gods protect Irlihk from you.
You pat Irlihk on his head.

more gayness here!

stop taking credit for something you didn't do.

Just say no!.
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« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2014, 08:15:43 pm »

rules? you talking here about mindless random PK, isnt it?
okay, now I see:

You chant a magical incantation.
Fusla yells, 'Die, Irlihk you sorcerous dog!'
Fusla appears to be moving slower.

some great roleplay here seems.
maybe you explain us for what you attacking and looted neutral kender fighter,
not-mindless not-random PKer?
wooops. just mistake seems, you attacked that kender without any warning, reason, talking, attacked just for fun. enjoy your fun now.
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« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2014, 08:16:22 pm »

rules? you talking here about mindless random PK, isnt it?
okay, now I see:

You chant a magical incantation.
Fusla yells, 'Die, Irlihk you sorcerous dog!'
Fusla appears to be moving slower.

some great roleplay here seems.
maybe you explain us for what you attacking and looted neutral kender fighter,
not-mindless not-random PKer?

I didn't loot sh*t you asshole, go and look at the log.

Why didn't you continue to fight with Fusla?

Instead you moved to 25th level Necro.

Do you understand that what you did is against the rules?

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« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2014, 08:20:00 pm »

maybe you explain us for what you attacking and looted neutral kender fighter,

Because he's an evil draconian.
Draconians are, you know, evil, they can attack anyone on sight, that's their role.

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« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2014, 08:30:33 pm »

Can't a necro do the same
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« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2014, 08:36:03 pm »

maybe you explain us for what you attacking and looted neutral kender fighter,

Because he's an evil draconian.
Draconians are, you know, evil, they can attack anyone on sight, that's their role.

if draconians can attack everyone according to their role, why I can't attack them without a reason other than 'perhaps they will attack me'?
you just need be ready and wait attacks from everyone, if you get this role.
die and accept it, not spread radioactivity on forum.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 08:48:47 pm by Anza » Logged
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« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2014, 08:36:10 pm »

Can't a necro do the same

If chaotic in nature yes, but then he/she shouldn't be traveling with anyone due to their nature, and he was in a group. So either he broke his role as chaotic or he wasn't chaotic.

But at that stage it didn't matter, how is this so hard for you to understand?

He switched to another char in order to avenge death of first. That is a no, no.

As I have said before, if he continued to fight with Fusla, you most probably wouldn't hear a thing from me today.

Instead they broke the rules. Why? because he knows that imms are understaffed and literally uninterested (which can be seen from interaction with Sirrion) to solve issues like this.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 08:38:43 pm by khiren » Logged

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« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2014, 08:40:51 pm »

Can't a necro do the same

In my book, yes. That necro probably just wanted to raise a zombie from Irlihk's corpse.
I really can't see here a reason to go off into hysterics and generate hate on the boards.

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« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2014, 08:44:59 pm »

Can't a necro do the same

In my book, yes. That necro probably just wanted to raise a zombie from Irlihk's corpse.
I really can't see here a reason to go off into hysterics and generate hate on the boards.

oh, but there is my friend. logging necro to avenge death of you kender is breaking the rules. Can't you see that?

Just say no!.
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« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2014, 08:47:48 pm »

if draconians can attack everyone according to their role, why I can't attack them without a reason other than 'perhaps they will attack me'?

Personally, when I am playing a draconian I expect to be attacked by anyone. Because I am an ugly acid-spitting black-magic-hissing lizard. Just my opinion.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 08:54:53 pm by moq » Logged

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« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2014, 08:52:16 pm »

ok thats RP and role, but if you playing draconian(WITH THIS ROLE SURE) you must be ready to attack from everyone isnt it?

Personally, when I am playing a draconian I expect to be attacked by anyone. Because I am an ugly acid-spitting black-magic-hissing lizard. Just my opinion.

I don't mind that. Been fighting all night last night as you have seen from logs, until cheating took place.

But do bear in mind this:

help PK

 I.    Player Killing MUST be a role played appropriately. If you are neutral
       you can't just wander up to someone and slay them for no apparent

So, whoever is playing this Nyphistra decided to break rule 1. couple of times since yesterday and I ask, where are imms to sanction this?
nowhere to be found.

This mud was bad before, it's much worse now due to lack of supervision.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 08:54:13 pm by khiren » Logged

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« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2014, 08:56:10 pm »

As i understand Nyphistra is dwarf, following the Reorx and warder wannabe, so you are really thinkin what the walking ugly lizzard, black robe, are friend of she?
It is nothing in actions of Nyphistra of attacking you, coz i think dwarf trying to erase terrible and disgusting thing like your lizzard from the face of earth.
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« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2014, 09:03:30 pm »

And anyway i don't see the example of perfect of roleplay from your side. Only whine.
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