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Author Topic: Im out too. Here are some logs.  (Read 54318 times)
Premium Member

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Without light, there is no beauty, only suffering.

« on: October 13, 2014, 06:44:37 am »

When Merlod decided to quit he asked me if i would delete with him.

I did not want to.

Garthan was the strongest character i have ever had, and  i had put a lot of work into getting his books and training his skills and spells.  

All my previous notable characters had achievements from roleplay, not strength. Arpade was honorable, dedicated, devout. But weak. Aresius was granted the title "Seeker of lost Virtue" because some imm liked that i tried to roleplay consistently. But he lost in most PK encounters. Im quite amazed i was that bad at this game back then. I think it was because i was so "in-to" the roleplay that i got too nervous in PK to not spam commands, or notice what was going on.

I told him i would play alone untill Garthan died, and delete only then. I was dissapoined with "legitimizing cheating", but wanted to keep going with my character untill i couldent anymore.
Merlod was nice enough to hang around for one more day before deleting to make me a supply of potions (was almost ending when i finnaly did die).

 I had hopes of killing and punishing the cheaters (I do think i got some, but none of the important characters). It was nice to see tons of characters leave the game when i came in. I do not think it was because people actualy thought i was that dangerous or that good. It was just because they knew i was not in their cheat-scheme, and that made me a threat.

It was really hard to delete him (A still max con, full manual, 35 hero mino outcast, with 15.000 gold left in the bank takes some work to make).

 I was amazed i lasted so long, but in the end i was even starting to hope Garthan would become a feared and powerfull character. Maybe even a Deathknight (figured that even without me posting logs, some imm might realize that everyone logged out when i logged in - or tried to fight me 3v1 - and deduce i had killed more then 10 players and everyone was scared as crap. Only person that consistently fought me alone was Koelsoh. I think i clearly won every time - sometimes i started out losing because i was trying to save on preps, but every time i hasted and sanced up, he was running for dear life).

Shame i died (in a stupid way too).

Had a fun run.

Not really doing heavy editing. At most taking out chunks of walking when i see them:
Start with the last fight along side Merlod, when me and him (2 unclanned) put the 3 solamnic cowardly weaklings to run:


When a heretic, a sirrion follower and a maniac decided to settle their differences to fight the mighty garthan in palanthas:


A less interesting one(i think i lost a part), against Mukla and one of the trash assasssins one of his ooc friends made:


Here is Me atacking Rhynne and Koelsoh at Sla-Mori. I did MANY gross mistakes on this one:


Here is the time i trapped Rhynne in a locked room. Would have killed if she didint have mask AND essence. Goes to show cheating and hoarding pays off.


Just posting this one because render life. Shame it was not a kill:


One time Lizlip atacked me while i was afk in crossroads (unfortunately i saved it without the end. I dont remember if i fled or he did):


The time i found Koelsoh's hiding place:


Its a shame i spent most of my time trying to kill Jax's char (Koelsoh).  Who i really wanted to kill was Zakh. Unfortunately, that one *only logs in when he has friends online*. One of the rare times i cought him alone in realms, he waited till Elayne logged in to come out and fight:


Here is the time i atacked Zarono, Sndris and Swenn leveling up at mermaids (spoiler, the heretics cowardly abandon swenn. Go warlord):


Me versus three assassins (Jheyrak, Sndris, and Tzaki-RIP):


Me atacking a outcast and necromancer (Spoiler, outcast dies):


Killing a naked Lizlip (witnessing some excelent RP on the way too):


The first time i killed Kze (the cheater that farms books for anzas characters):


Second time - Got my sweet mind vision from this one:


Fighting Mukla aaaggaaaaiinnn (this noob really does not give up) and waho (a bit later in the log):
Notice Mukla actualy paralyzses me, and cant get me to gushing (I go lower later, but im already unparalyzed and just messing around and using "say")


Still have tons of logs. Maybe ill add some more later. I cant remember all of the good ones now (cant find the one i fight issilda and koelsoh with few preps and half health and kill issilda anyhow).

I considered making this post just a "heres some logs, im done with the game, have fun bye". To keep it elegant and without discussions, or retards calling me a whiner.

But thats not just me.
My brother left the moment Sirrion and Hiddy decided to make it "ok" to sac-transfer items.

With good cause.

Cheating is considered cheating because it is a unfair advantage.

Sac-transfering IS  a unfair advantage. It doesent matter if you have to kill the mob again. You have control of when you sacrifice and kill the mob. You will never lose it unless it is looted from you.  And if you can guarantee that every time you log in you have 3-4 friends with you, you wont die. Ever.

Allowing book-farming characters to just farmfarmfarm books for their ooc friends IS a unfair advantage.

It does not matter what the rules say. These things are cheating. Letting it happen officialy just makes there be "legitimate cheating" and "illegal cheating".  

The game is rigged. People like Anza/Mukla/Zakh have ooc friends to back him up, get him manuals, help him level, get him items. They store items on some char  that never leaves his guild in Nethosak/Qualinost or whatever, and sac-transfer it to the new ones. They have trash characters to switch to when they are not all online, to not risk the "mains". I think Anza is the big villain. But honestly, i gave up tracking who is who a long time ago. Maybe it isint him. Maybe the big head-cheater is someone else. I dont care. I am just certain it happens.

For some time i asked myself "how can't everyone see it? It is so obvious."

Then i realized I am still too naive. Everyone CAN see it.

You know... Sirrion mentioned he was bringing solace back up "on a friends request".

Three guesses who that is.

I already made my guess. I could be wrong, i could be right. But im past caring.

Im sick of it, and im out.

Sick of seeing cheating EVERYWHERE. Sick of the ungratefull idiots that are not part of the cheater gang, joinig the cheaters to  call people who try to make the game a better place for them whiners. Sick of seeing easy promotions and shrine entrance for particular groups of people.

I used to believe many players were not cheaters. I liked to tell myself i was heroicly taking the beating from the cheaters for them, and that Garthan was like Batman, a under-apreceated hero in the shadows (I do not think he really made enough a difference for it to be valid, but It helped me get the guts to keep fighting 3v1 all the time i logged in and continue to log in). I used to think Jax, Proph, Beorn, Ceesha were honest players. That Imms tried to make things fair. Now im not so sure anymore.

I used to *love* solace. I bought and read dragonlance BECAUSE of solace. My fav game ever (and ive played my share of big flashy comercial games in my life).
But i liked the roleplay, the adrenaline from the PK system. The discovery and mistery because the world is difficult to explore.

In a role-playing game, we all want to play a hero, with ambitions and dreams.
I cant do that if i know OOC that the game is rigged and all i will ever be is fodder for another guy's glory run.
I was not able to role-play properly, or enjoy it in this solace revival.
How could i roleplay? Noone else did.
If gods let someone who plays like zondra into nature shrine, clearly with no criteria for clan entrance, people do not even have motivation to roleplay anymore. I saw Koelsoh role play a bit, Vaerendil a bit, and thats it. Roleplaying was dead since solace re-started. It is just hack and slash now.

Solace changed. It is no longer a role-playing game, and less fair then it was before (im not naive enough to think it ever was 100% fair).
The game is rigged, if you still play you will just be cannon-fodder for cheater group's to brag about.

To the newbie players that dont get it and like to call any complaint a whine (n00b, this is for you), ill spell it out:

Its not about the items, or the promotions, or shrines. Its about fairness.
Everyone is trying to play their hero. Make their story. Feel glorious, win victories, recover from defeat.
If some players are allowed to cheat, to ooc gang, to store books, priviledge to special powers from shrines and quicker promotions from clans...
Even if you say you "do not care" about the items, you just want to play your character and have fun, sometime you will realize that *you will never acomplish anything significant*. Every time you get anything of value, you will be ganked and it will be stolen. Every time you fight, you will be at a disadvantage.
You will always lose.
And the character you are trying to make, be it a dangerous villan or a corageous knight, will seem pitifull and helpless. It will cease to be fun.

Thats the end of my rant.

To anyone who still plays and is *not* a cheater, i wish you best of luck and much fun. I
m done and gone. Maybe for good. Maybe ill try again in a year (if its still up) and see if the cheaters finnaly got tired of cheating. Ill probably delete my role-play character sometime this week.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 09:48:25 pm by Nierth » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2014, 07:03:07 am »

Well done. Garthan was a monster. Shame you're leaving, you're a top-notch player.

Good luck with whatever's next for you Cheesy

Nothing is too much to hope for.
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« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2014, 07:22:00 am »

But i did plan on quitting once Garthan died. I was amazed i lasted so long.

probably because too fast quit from mud?)

Its a shame i spent most of my time trying to kill Jax's char (Koelsoh).  Who i really wanted to kill was Zakh. Unfortunately, that one *only logs in when he has friends online*. One of the rare times i cought him alone in realms, he waited till Elayne logged in to come out and fight:


let's see what you've forgotten:

<1286/1286hp 463/622mana 335/338mv 657229tnl | NS> savage self
You release your power of the Jaguar in a single blow.
You trample around loudly again.
Your savage blow MASSACRES you!

<1209/1286hp 463/622mana 335/338mv 657229tnl | NS> savage self
You release your power of the Jaguar in a single blow.
Your savage blow MANGLES you!

<1110/1286hp 463/622mana 335/338mv 657229tnl | NS>
Garthan yells, 'Come out coward.'

<1133/1286hp 492/622mana 337/338mv 657229tnl | NW> w
Before a towering iron portcullis

[Exits: east west]
     A nature spring flows from the ground here.
A powerful knight in shining armor stands his vigilant guard over the Solamnic Keep.
A knight of Solamnia says, 'Well met, Knight of the Crown.'

<1133/1286hp 492/622mana 336/338mv 657229tnl | EW> w
the eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
Garthan the male minotaur is here riding a war elephant.

<1133/1286hp 492/622mana 335/338mv 657229tnl | NES> bash ele
You step out of the shadows.
Garthan yells, 'Help! Zakh is bashing my mount!'
You slam into a war elephant, and send him flying!
You trample around loudly again.
Your bash injures a war elephant.
Garthan is thrown from a war elephant.
Garthan's fall injures him.
A war elephant has a few scratches.

<1133/1286hp 492/622mana 335/338mv 657229tnl | NES> flee

You dodge Garthan's beating.
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
You dodge a war elephant's crush.
Your claw misses a war elephant.
Your claw MANGLES a war elephant!
A war elephant dodges your claw.
A war elephant has a few scratches.

<1133/1286hp 492/622mana 335/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
Garthan's kicked dirt misses you.
A war elephant has a few scratches.

<1133/1286hp 492/622mana 335/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
Garthan lands a critical hit on you!
You dodge Garthan's beating.
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
You dodge Garthan's beating.
You dodge a war elephant's crush.
Your claw MANGLES a war elephant!
Your claw MANGLES a war elephant!
You find a heavy vulnerability in a war elephant's defences.
Your claw MANGLES a war elephant!
You find a slight vulnerability in a war elephant's defences.
Your claw MANGLES a war elephant!
Your claw MANGLES a war elephant!
A war elephant has some small wounds.

<1133/1286hp 492/622mana 335/338mv 657229tnl | NES> You turn around, trying to escape!
the eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south west]
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
You flee from combat!

<1133/1286hp 492/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NSW> flee
You aren't fighting anyone.

<1133/1286hp 492/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NSW> s
Before the entrance on the south-east watchtower

[Exits: north west up]

<1133/1286hp 492/622mana 333/338mv 657229tnl | NWU> strangle garthan
They aren't here.

<1133/1286hp 492/622mana 333/338mv 657229tnl | NWU> n
the eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south west]
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

<1133/1286hp 492/622mana 332/338mv 657229tnl | NSW> strangle garthan
the eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
Garthan the male minotaur is here.
(Charmed) A large war elephant gazes at all below him.

<1133/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES> Garthan yells, 'Help! Zakh is trying to strangle me!'
Your strangulation attempt misses Garthan.
Garthan is in perfect condition.

<1133/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
Garthan sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Garthan's bash scratches you.
Garthan's beating decimates you.
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
You use your shoulder to partially deflect a war elephant's crush.
A war elephant's crush grazes you.
You dodge a war elephant's crush.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan blinks away and your scratch misses.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan is in perfect condition.

<1100/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES> latch

Garthan's act of cruelty decimates you.
Garthan's blow rips open your abdomen and pelvis!
You dodge Garthan's beating.
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
You dodge Garthan's beating.
You dodge a war elephant's crush.
Garthan blinks away and your scratch misses.
Garthan blinks away and your scratch misses.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan is in perfect condition.

<1073/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES> You must be using a Python martial style to latch attack.
Garthan is in perfect condition.

<1073/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES> Garthan prepares to throw himself into the heat of battle.
Garthan is in perfect condition.

<1073/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
Garthan sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Garthan's bash grazes you.
You recover from the fall and jump up on your legs!
Garthan is in perfect condition.

<1073/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
Garthan sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Garthan's bash grazes you.
You recover from the fall and jump up on your legs!
Garthan is in perfect condition.

<1070/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES> style pyt
You now fight in unarmed combat using the Python style.
Garthan is in perfect condition.

<1070/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES> latch

You dodge Garthan's beating.
You dodge Garthan's beating.
You dodge a war elephant's crush.
You find a heavy vulnerability in Garthan's defences.
Your scratch DISMEMBERS Garthan!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Garthan swings his axe in a vicious arch knocking away your scratch.
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1070/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES> You try to grasp and control Garthan, but fail the hold.
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1070/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
You dodge Garthan's beating.
You dodge Garthan's beating.
You dodge a war elephant's crush.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1070/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES> latch

Garthan stops using the Battleaxe of Sha'Mi.
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1070/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
Garthan dual wields a phoenix-hilted broadsword.
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1070/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
You hand block a war elephant's crush.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1070/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES> You try to grasp and control Garthan, but fail the hold.
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1070/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
Garthan attempts to impale you with a quick lunge!
Garthan's lunge mauls you.
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1048/1286hp 492/622mana 331/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
Garthan strikes you with deadly accuracy!
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
You dodge a war elephant's crush.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan parries your scratch.
You find a heavy vulnerability in Garthan's defences.
Your scratch DISMEMBERS Garthan!
Garthan blinks away and your scratch misses.
Garthan has a few scratches.

You hand block Garthan's divine power.
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
You hand block a war elephant's crush.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan blinks away and your scratch misses.
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 338/338mv 657229tnl | NES> You try to grasp and control Garthan, but fail the hold.
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 338/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
Garthan has turned around, trying to escape!
Garthan leaves north.
Garthan has fled!

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 338/338mv 657229tnl | NES> n

You dodge a war elephant's crush.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your claw *** DEMOLISHES *** a war elephant!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
You find a slight vulnerability in a war elephant's defences.
Your claw *** DEVASTATES *** a war elephant!
A war elephant is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 338/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
A war elephant has turned around, trying to escape!
A war elephant leaves east.
A war elephant has fled!

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 338/338mv 657229tnl | NES> n

Garthan has arrived from the north.

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 338/338mv 657229tnl | NES> murder ga

Garthan leaves south.

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 338/338mv 657229tnl | NES> the eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south]
A guard of the crown patrols the courtyards here.

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 337/338mv 657229tnl | NS> the eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south]

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 336/338mv 657229tnl | NS> s
murder ga
They aren't here.

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 336/338mv 657229tnl | NS> the eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south]
A guard of the crown patrols the courtyards here.

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 335/338mv 657229tnl | NS> s
murder ga
They aren't here.

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 335/338mv 657229tnl | NS> the eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES> murder ga

Garthan has arrived from the south.
Garthan yells, 'Help! I am being attacked by Zakh!'
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES> s

Garthan glances at you.
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
Garthan has turned around, trying to escape!
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
You find a slight vulnerability in Garthan's defences.
Your scratch DISMEMBERS Garthan!
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan blinks away and your scratch misses.
Garthan blinks away and your scratch misses.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES> latch
You do the best you can!
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES> No way!  You are still fighting!
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES> You grasp and control Garthan with graceful skill.
Garthan has a few scratches.

<1067/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES> thr

Garthan's divine power mauls you.
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
Your reflective-silver scale deflects Garthan's divine power.
Garthan's divine power mauls you.
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
Your scratch DISMEMBERS Garthan!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan swings his axe in a vicious arch knocking away your scratch.
Garthan blinks away and your scratch misses.
Garthan has some small wounds.

<1025/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
Garthan lands a critical hit on you!
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
Garthan lands a critical hit on you!
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan swings his axe in a vicious arch knocking away your scratch.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan has some small wounds.

<1025/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES> You grab Garthan and throw him to the ground with stunning force!
Your throw DISEMBOWELS Garthan!
You take hold of Garthan and perform a body twisting Python attack.
Your ground control *** DEMOLISHES *** Garthan!
Garthan is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1025/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
Garthan's divine power wounds you.
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
Garthan blinks away and your scratch misses.
Garthan swings his axe in a vicious arch knocking away your scratch.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Garthan blinks away and your scratch misses.
Garthan is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1011/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
Garthan stands down and begins taking things into better consideration.
Garthan is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1011/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES> thr

Garthan's magnificent axe named 'Honor's Face' glows fierce red.
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan blinks away and your scratch misses.
Garthan blinks away and your scratch misses.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1011/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES> You grab Garthan and throw him to the ground with stunning force!
Your throw MUTILATES Garthan!
With brutal skill you grind Garthan against the ground with your weight.
Your ground control MANGLES Garthan!
Garthan is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1011/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan blinks away and your scratch misses.
Garthan is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1011/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES> thr

You dodge Garthan's divine power.
Garthan lands a critical hit on you!
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
Garthan parries your scratch.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
You find a heavy vulnerability in Garthan's defences.
Your scratch === OBLITERATES === Garthan!
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1011/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
Garthan clenches his fist and draws magic into him, growling, 'Lumina merith shanto.'
Garthan is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1011/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES> You grab Garthan and throw him to the ground with stunning force!
Your throw MUTILATES Garthan!
You take hold of Garthan and perform a body twisting Python attack.
Your ground control *** DEMOLISHES *** Garthan!
Garthan is gushing blood.

<1011/1286hp 516/622mana 334/338mv 657229tnl | NES>
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
You dodge Garthan's divine power.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan parries your scratch.
Garthan parries your scratch.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Garthan blinks away and your scratch misses.
Garthan is gushing blood.

<1025/1286hp 534/622mana 338/338mv 657229tnl | NES> thr

Garthan draws upon his magic, uttering in a deep tone, 'Lumina merith shanto.'
Translucent grey mist distorts the image of Garthan, and he vanishes from sight.

after this you forget way to Solamnic Keep and lurks only near towns.
and quits when you feel any danger.
do not distort the facts, respect yourself.

I do not recall fighting with Mukla during my work. one hand doing the work, and the other is trying to bash an elephant and strangle the cow.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 07:27:28 am by Anza » Logged
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« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2014, 07:27:22 am »

Actualy, that was not on the same day as the log i posted, Anza. When Elayne came online i left, i was not going to fight you with a mish cleric healing you.

And face it, you won easy because i did not use any preps. Not a single one.

I had gone to your keep like 5 times before that time (on various different days and times), and you never came out alone. You always waited for some thug to come with you, or outright logged out.

So, obviously,  i expected you would not come out again and did not use haste, frenzy, bless, armor, harden skin, stone skin, sanc. Nothing.

So brag on for being able to make me recall. You still suck.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 07:56:03 am by arpade » Logged
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« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2014, 07:56:56 am »

Start with the last fight along side Merlod, when me and him (2 unclanned) put the 3 solamnic cowardly weaklings to run:


Merlod tells you, 'Coward.'
Rhynne tells the group, 'What's the battle plan?'
You tell the group, 'I'll strangle merlod.'
You tell the group, 'Oh not need.'
You tell the group, 'Kill him.'
You tell the group, 'Swing overhead.'
Merlod yells, 'Where is Mukla to save you now?'///great RP here

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 330/330mv 599167tnl | NW> w
Before a towering iron portcullis

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A large war elephant gazes at all below him.
Garthan the male minotaur is here.
(Invis) Merlod the male draconian is here.
A powerful knight in shining armor stands his vigilant guard over the Solamnic Keep.
A knight of Solamnia says, 'Well met, Knight of the Crown.'
Rhynne has arrived.
A knight of Solamnia says, 'Well met, Knight of the Crown.'
A lion has arrived from the east.
A lion has arrived from the east.
A young copper dragon has arrived from the east.
A young silver dragon has arrived from the east.
Elayne has arrived from the east.
A knight of Solamnia says, 'Well met, Knight of the Crown.'
A young bronze dragon has arrived from the east.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 329/330mv 599167tnl | EW> murder mer
Merlod yells, 'Help! Zakh is attacking me!'
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts your punch.
Merlod is in perfect condition.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 329/330mv 599167tnl | EW> latch

Merlod yells, 'Help! Elayne is smashing me!'
Elayne smashes Merlod with her mace.
Elayne's crushing blow MASSACRES Merlod!
Merlod has a few scratches.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 329/330mv 599167tnl | EW>
Merlod has turned around, trying to escape!
Merlod leaves west.
Garthan leaves west.
A war elephant leaves west.
Merlod has fled!

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 329/330mv 599167tnl | EW> w
The eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
A guard of the crown patrols the courtyards here.
Elayne has arrived from the east.
A young bronze dragon has arrived from the east.
A young silver dragon has arrived from the east.
Rhynne has arrived.
A young copper dragon has arrived from the east.
A lion has arrived from the east.
A lion has arrived from the east.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES> murder mer
They aren't here.

Merlod has arrived from the north.
Garthan has arrived from the north.
A war elephant has arrived from the north.
Merlod yells, 'Help! Rhynne is lashing me!'
Rhynne lashes at Merlod's legs but misses.
Rhynne's lash misses Merlod.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES> murder mer
Merlod parries your punch.
Merlod has a few scratches.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES> Merlod peers intently east.
Merlod has a few scratches.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES>
Merlod yells, 'Help! Elayne is smashing me!'
Elayne smashes Merlod with her mace.
Elayne's crushing blow MANGLES Merlod!
Merlod has some small wounds.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES> latch

Merlod fades into existence.
Merlod's bite injures Rhynne.
Rhynne yells, 'Help! Garthan is attacking me!'
Garthan's beating mauls Rhynne.
Rhynne's wrath MANGLES Merlod!
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts Rhynne's divine power.
Rhynne's wrath MANGLES Merlod!
Ancient flail named 'Retribution' shines brightly, blessing Rhynne's strike!
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts Rhynne's divine power.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts a lion's claw.
A young copper dragon's claw decimates Merlod.
A young bronze dragon's claw decimates Merlod.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts your punch.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts your punch.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts your punch.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts your punch.
Merlod is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES>
Merlod has turned around, trying to escape!
Merlod leaves east.
Merlod has fled!

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES> murder mer
murder mer

Merlod has arrived from the east.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES> murder mer
Merlod yells, 'Help! I am being attacked by Zakh!'
You find a heavy vulnerability in Merlod's defences.
Your punch MANGLES Merlod!
Merlod is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES> Merlod brandishes the Red DragonOrb labelled sanctuary.
Merlod is surrounded by a white aura.
A war elephant is surrounded by a white aura.
Garthan is surrounded by a white aura.
Merlod is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES>
Merlod yells, 'Help! Elayne is smashing me!'
Elayne smashes Merlod with her mace.
Elayne's crushing blow devastates Merlod.
Merlod is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES>
Garthan lands a critical hit on Rhynne!
Garthan's beating decimates Rhynne.
Garthan's beating mauls Rhynne.
You dodge Merlod's bite.
You dodge Merlod's bite.
Garthan blinks away and Rhynne's divine power misses.
Garthan blinks away and Rhynne's wrath misses.
Elayne's medallion of Mishakal glows white for a moment.
Elayne's drowning misses Merlod.
A young bronze dragon's claw misses Merlod.
You find a slight vulnerability in Merlod's defences.
Your punch MUTILATES Merlod!
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts your punch.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts your punch.
Merlod is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES>latch

Rhynne lashes Merlod's legs, sending him crashing to the ground.
Rhynne's lash grazes Merlod.
Merlod is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES> You grasp and control Merlod with graceful skill.
Merlod is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES>
A young silver dragon's claw injures Garthan.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts a young bronze dragon's claw.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts a young bronze dragon's claw.
Garthan strikes Rhynne with deadly accuracy!
Garthan's divine power devastates Rhynne.
You hand block Merlod's bite.
Rhynne's wrath decimates Garthan.
Rhynne's divine power decimates Garthan.
Merlod blinks away and Elayne's drowning misses.
Merlod blinks away and Elayne's drowning misses.
Your punch decimates Merlod.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts your punch.
Merlod parries your punch.
Merlod is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES>
A pale porcelean mask protects Rhynne's eyes from the pieces of dirt.
Elayne smashes Merlod with her mace.
Elayne's crushing blow MUTILATES Merlod!
Merlod is gushing blood.

Garthan blinks away and a young silver dragon's claw misses.
A young bronze dragon's claw wounds Merlod.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts a young bronze dragon's claw.
A young copper dragon's claw hits Garthan.
Garthan's magnificent axe named 'Honor's Face' glows fierce red.
Garthan's divine power MASSACRES Rhynne!
Garthan's beating mauls Rhynne.
Garthan lands a critical hit on Rhynne!
You hand block Merlod's bite.
You dodge Merlod's bite.
You dodge Merlod's bite.
Garthan blinks away and Rhynne's divine power misses.
Garthan blinks away and Rhynne's divine power misses.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts Elayne's drowning.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts Elayne's drowning.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts your punch.
Merlod parries your punch.
Your punch decimates Merlod.
Merlod is gushing blood.

<1264/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES> You do the best you can!
Garthan blinks away and a young copper dragon's claw misses.
You dodge Merlod's bite.
You use your shoulder to partially deflect Merlod's bite.
Merlod's bite injures you.
Ancient flail named 'Retribution' shines brightly, blessing Rhynne's strike!
Garthan blinks away and Rhynne's divine power misses.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts Elayne's drowning.
Merlod parries your punch.
Your punch misses Merlod.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts your punch.
Merlod is gushing blood.

<1256/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES> You do the best you can!
Merlod is gushing blood.

<1256/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES> You do the best you can!
Merlod is gushing blood.

<1256/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES> Rhynne lashes Merlod's legs, sending him crashing to the ground.
Rhynne's lash scratches Merlod.
Elayne smashes Merlod with her mace.
Elayne's crushing blow MUTILATES Merlod!
They are already being latched onto by someone.
Merlod is gushing blood.

<1256/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES> thr
You attempt to throw Merlod but get shocked on his force field. ///last fight he forget about.
Merlod's shocking blast hits you.
Merlod is gushing blood.

<1242/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES> Garthan has turned around, trying to escape!
Garthan leaves north.
Garthan has fled!                        
Merlod is gushing blood.

<1242/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES>
Merlod stops using the Red DragonOrb labelled sanctuary.
Merlod holds a Graven Ikon of Saint Sebastian in his hands.
Merlod is gushing blood.

<1242/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES>
Merlod blinks away and a young bronze dragon's claw misses.
Ancient flail named 'Retribution' shines brightly, blessing Rhynne's strike!
Merlod yells, 'Help! I am being attacked by Rhynne!'
Rhynne's divine power *** DEMOLISHES *** Merlod!
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts a young silver dragon's claw.
Merlod's bite injures you.
You dodge Merlod's bite.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts Rhynne's divine power.
Merlod blinks away and Rhynne's wrath misses.
Ancient flail named 'Retribution' shines brightly, blessing Rhynne's strike!
Merlod blinks away and Rhynne's divine power misses.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts Rhynne's divine power.
Merlod blinks away and a lion's claw misses.
A lion's claw injures Merlod.
A young copper dragon's claw misses Merlod.
Elayne's drowning devastates Merlod.
Merlod blinks away and Elayne's drowning misses.
Merlod parries your punch.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts your punch.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts your punch.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts your punch.
Merlod parries your punch.
Merlod is writhing in agony.

<1231/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES>
Rhynne lashes Merlod's legs, sending him crashing to the ground.
Rhynne's lash scratches Merlod.
Merlod is writhing in agony.

<1231/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES>
Elayne smashes Merlod with her mace.
Elayne's crushing blow MUTILATES Merlod!
Merlod is convulsing on the ground.

<1231/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES> You attempt to throw Merlod but get shocked on his force field.
Merlod's shocking blast hits you.
Merlod is convulsing on the ground.

<1224/1264hp 628/640mana 328/330mv 599167tnl | NES> thr

The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts a lion's claw.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts a lion's claw.
Merlod blinks away and a lion's claw misses.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts a young copper dragon's claw.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts a young copper dragon's claw.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts a young copper dragon's claw.
Your solamnic plate deflects Merlod's bite.
You dodge Merlod's bite.
Rhynne's divine power DISEMBOWELS Merlod!
Merlod blinks away and Rhynne's wrath misses.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts Rhynne's divine power.
Elayne's drowning decimates Merlod.
Your punch misses Merlod.
You are thirsty.
You are hungry.
Merlod is convulsing on the ground.

<1241/1264hp 640/640mana 330/330mv 599167tnl | NES>
Elayne smashes Merlod with her mace.
Elayne's crushing blow maims Merlod!
Merlod is convulsing on the ground.

<1241/1264hp 640/640mana 330/330mv 599167tnl | NES> You attempt to throw Merlod but get shocked on his force field.
Merlod's shocking blast hits you.
Merlod is convulsing on the ground.

<1234/1264hp 640/640mana 330/330mv 599167tnl | NES>
Garthan has arrived from the north.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts a lion's claw.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts a lion's claw.
A lion tears into Merlod with his claws.
A lion's rending claw misses Merlod.
A lion's rending claw injures Merlod.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts a young silver dragon's claw.
A young bronze dragon's claw wounds Merlod.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts a young bronze dragon's claw.
A young copper dragon's claw wounds Merlod.
Merlod blinks away and a young copper dragon's claw misses.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts a young copper dragon's claw.
Garthan strikes Rhynne with deadly accuracy!
Rhynne yells, 'Help! Garthan is attacking me!'
Garthan's beating decimates Rhynne.
You hand block Merlod's bite.
You dodge Merlod's bite.
The spectral hand hovering over Merlod intercepts Rhynne's divine power.
Elayne's medallion of Mishakal glows white for a moment.
Elayne's drowning misses Merlod.
Elayne's drowning decimates Merlod.
get book
Merlod is DEAD!!
Blood and bone splatter as Merlod's arm is sliced from his dead body.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 08:08:18 am by Anza » Logged
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« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2014, 07:58:07 am »

whoops 2 posts Tongue
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« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2014, 08:13:19 am »

Anza, I realize that after all my logs showing me kicking your ass, you want to salvage some pride and post the couple of times you and your overgeared cheaters actualy managed to acomplish something (in my thread, at that).

But do please post your junk in biglog form, its polluting the thread with huge replies.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 08:27:13 am by arpade » Logged
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« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2014, 08:15:10 am »

Bravo Anza! You managed to kill me on a 3 clanned Solamnic vs 2 unclanned evils battle after I had already decided to delete and commit suicide before that. (And PS: That log was right after the two of us made you three run and heal up inside your clan hall - just lol man)

As for RP. I was deleting and had no intention of carrying any kind of RP anymore. Also, I don't recall when or where I have been boasting about RP since this pwipe started. Hiddukel had announced that cheating was "ok", and of all the cheating possible in the world, lack of RP prior to deletion is the smallest of problems. Also, I was pissed and unable to think of RP properly, just like Arpade and for the same reasons he has stated in his original post. Aside from that, you had ganged Garthan using Mukla some time before our attack. Count also the number of times you attacked Garthan with Mukla and friends, and times you attacked him with Zakh (much less), who is supposed to battle evil. You constantly used Mukla to engage on any one who could threat Zakh.

Just lol, man. You're such a disgrace as a player. No respect for rules. No respect for fellow players. No effort towards good RP. Not even good in PK... If it wasn't for your all-time cleric up your ass, your ganging attitude and your cheat-gained equipment, you wouldn't even bother to play PK.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 09:09:38 am by omledufromage » Logged

c'mon, just relax and try to imagine that you're just a letters on the screens of other people Grin
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« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2014, 08:28:23 am »

I forgot how much I suck Shocked thanks for reminding me Tongue
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« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2014, 08:33:54 am »

Nice logs, by the way, Arpade.  Wink

To the rest of you. Congratz... you're now losing one of the great players of this game (not me, of course).

« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 09:25:48 am by omledufromage » Logged

c'mon, just relax and try to imagine that you're just a letters on the screens of other people Grin
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« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2014, 09:56:21 am »

.... Only person that consistently fought me alone was Koelsoh. I think i clearly won every time - sometimes i started out losing because i was trying to save on preps, but every time i hasted and sanced up, he was running for dear life).

You have forgot about Beorn? This is maybe because i have seen only your heels when was lucky to meet you outside the Towns? (oh yes! i forgot that the reason of it was only my knight, who is such a coward that always was hiding inside the city walls fearing of mighty outcasts  Grin)

Shame i died (in a stupid way too).

I bet everyone is curious to see this log!

I used to think Jax, Proph, Beorn, Ceesha were honest players. That Imms tried to make things fair. Now im not so sure anymore.
Why in the past about us? And what have we done to disappoint you?

Had your Garthan at least one approved role to blame here everyone in lack of RP?

And you are welcome back after your 'menstrual cycle' will pass.  Grin Grin It would be really not bad to RP with you, if you had not such paranoià  about cheaters and cronyism everywhere!
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« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2014, 10:38:17 am »

Bravo Anza! You managed to kill me on a 3 clanned Solamnic vs 2 unclanned evils battle after I had already decided to delete and commit suicide before that. (And PS: That log was right after the two of us made you three run and heal up inside your clan hall - just lol man)

As for RP. I was deleting and had no intention of carrying any kind of RP anymore. Also, I don't recall when or where I have been boasting about RP since this pwipe started. Hiddukel had announced that cheating was "ok", and of all the cheating possible in the world, lack of RP prior to deletion is the smallest of problems. Also, I was pissed and unable to think of RP properly, just like Arpade and for the same reasons he has stated in his original post. Aside from that, you had ganged Garthan using Mukla some time before our attack. Count also the number of times you attacked Garthan with Mukla and friends, and times you attacked him with Zakh (much less), who is supposed to battle evil. You constantly used Mukla to engage on any one who could threat Zakh.

Just lol, man. You're such a disgrace as a player. No respect for rules. No respect for fellow players. No effort towards good RP. Not even good in PK... If it wasn't for your all-time cleric up your ass, your ganging attitude and your cheat-gained equipment, you wouldn't even bother to play PK.

You are arguing with professional cheater who also happens to be friend with current imm setup. His OOC cheating will go unsupervised. This imms crew is bias to one group of people. I really ponder why am I still here, ah yes, waiting on ELITE dangerous to come out.

Just say no!.
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« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2014, 10:57:42 am »

"Had your Garthan at least one approved role to blame here everyone in lack of RP? "
- Yes. Garthan had three. I was working on a fourth, but it was longer and more complicated, i ended up never posting it.

"You have forgot about Beorn? This is maybe because i have seen only your heels when was lucky to meet you outside the Towns? (oh yes! i forgot that the reason of it was only my knight, who is such a coward that always was hiding inside the city walls fearing of mighty outcasts  Grin)"
-Its a shame i never fought Beorn. I always did wonder how i would do against a knight. But because i suspected Beorn was honest i was not particularly motivated to kill/sac him. Plus, the only time you challenged me there was a couple of assassins and thieves chasing me around (Koelsoh, the heretics cuttthroat and Tzaki, to be precise). I would not go "duel" you to get attacked by the heretic assassin, his ooc friend and Koelsoh at once.
Honestly, Garthan was not much for Dueling at all. I did not want to prove i was stronger then anyone. I did not want to prove i was brave, or honorable.

Garthan wanted to kill. Duels are bad for killing. Usualy in a easy to escape area, and the enemy is prepared. And personally, if you really think Beorn, who died so many times his con was like 18(?), would land a win on Garthan, who has been running around killing people for a month alone, without help from anyone, and had never died... Well, id call you crazy.

The only characters that had a chance to beat garthan 1v1 were the ones who cheated their way to getting top notch items and hid from him because they were afraid to lose them (hoping a trash character would get me). Koelsoh was the only (non-trash) character that even tried to 1v1 me.

"Why in the past about us? And what have we done to disappoint you?"
Well, Ceesha just stopped playing, so past tense there. I feel Jax and Proph are joining the cheater scheme. I thought it was very strange they suddenly started atacking me (Garthan was sorta allied with both when Merlod was alive) occuping most of my time online when i was trying to hunt someone that mattered, i thought it was strange they (specially Jax) had some particularly good gear, grouped with Rhynne often, had a immortal come ask me to not sac his items when i killed him. He could have stolen it or earned. But i suspected he was just cheating too.

"It would be really not bad to RP with you, if you had not such paranoià  about cheaters and cronyism everywhere!"
If you are Beorn (i thought it was Khiren or however his name is spelled) I have roleplayed with you, just on my roleplay character. Like i stated before, i find roleplaying a dark knight that wants to kill everyone difficult. And i find it difficult to roleplay at all when i feel the game is rigged and noone else role-plays.
I never said Garthan had good roleplay. I said i used to be a roleplayer in old solace.

And i admit i did become paranoid (But keep in mind it is not paranoia if i am right). Honestly, I think anyone would be paranoid after the playing experience i was through. The logs i posted here are not one fourth of the fights i had. Not one tenth. Garthan's existance was one battle after the other. Often with characters i had never seen before. Often in places where noone could have known where i was. I saw tons of cheating (i have tons of logs simply showing how items are passed out from one character to another of the same gang), and everyone seemed to want to jab at me because i was against it. I think any sane person would more likely conclude everyone is a cheater, and not that they are making it up. If after all i wrote and all these logs you just think it is all a "menstruation cycle", as you very maturely put it, well, i think you are stupid.

And we can agree to disagree.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 11:05:05 am by arpade » Logged
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« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2014, 10:59:20 am »

I really ponder why am I still here, ah yes, waiting on ELITE dangerous to come out.

Unfortunately, unlike you or deda, i would rather play solace over other games. Just, the solace i have in mind turns out to not be the one i log in to.
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« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2014, 11:04:11 am »

had a immortal come ask me to not sac his items when i killed him.

Oh my, lets talk about bias immortal crew.

Can you please post log when this happened or which imm was it ? Smiley

Just say no!.
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« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2014, 11:07:35 am »

I really ponder why am I still here, ah yes, waiting on ELITE dangerous to come out.

Unfortunately, unlike you or deda, i would rather play solace over other games. Just, the solace i have in mind turns out to not be the one i log in to.

As you said, this isn't Solace I played since '97. It doesn't make sense to waist my time when game is rigged, and we have imm crew which is uninterested to do anything about it.

Just say no!.
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« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2014, 11:45:04 am »

I really ponder why am I still here, ah yes, waiting on ELITE dangerous to come out.

Unfortunately, unlike you or deda, i would rather play solace over other games. Just, the solace i have in mind turns out to not be the one i log in to.

I'm been out for nearly 15 days, I think... and yes, I like to play graphic games as well... it's soothes my kender heritage Wink

Make yourself all honey
...and the flies shall devour you

... Keep on rotting in the free world!...
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« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2014, 11:51:31 am »

My first attack on you was with Jheyrak. I remember I met with you in kalaman and asked what I could do to get blink robe from you. Your reply was something along the lines of "you'll have to pry it out of my cold dead hands". At that point you had some reputation as the "mad cleaver" so I thought you were disregarding our previous travels. Issilda attacked you because you attacked her groupmate right in front of her. Seems pretty reasonable to me.

I'm an honest player. I play within the rules of the game, so your accusations are totally unfounded. I already gave both you and your brother respect and said you will be missed here.

Nothing is too much to hope for.

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« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2014, 11:52:34 am »

Garthan was a nice char and I noticed. No deathknights were going to be made as they are bugged and beyond repair at the moment but I had another plan for him. Sorry I missed it, late as usual.

Oh, I read some stuff about imm bias again up there? The only way it's biased is if I punish YOU for cheating and fail to punish someone else for the same cheat by virtue of who the other person is, which is total bullsh*t as I don't care who anyone is. Please stop the victim mentality.

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Frack off?

« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2014, 12:02:08 pm »

Garthan was a nice char and I noticed. No deathknights were going to be made as they are bugged and beyond repair at the moment but I had another plan for him. Sorry I missed it, late as usual.

Oh, I read some stuff about imm bias again up there? The only way it's biased is if I punish YOU for cheating and fail to punish someone else for the same cheat by virtue of who the other person is, which is total bullsh*t as I don't care who anyone is. Please stop the victim mentality.

I've provided you proof and evidence about cheating, all you imms (Sirrion) did is give me 3rd degree.

You can say you are not bias, that is your right of course.  

But since system is not transparent I have no means to determine whether your word is good or not.

Now, how do we go about and determine integrity of people who are in charge of the game?

It's rather simple.

Examine actions that imm crew have taken after you have provided factual evidence.

Do you want to know my conclusion?
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 12:58:25 pm by khiren » Logged

Just say no!.
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