Logs 1-43 of 43
Date / Time
01.02.2001 11:50 Bajoi  Isstariol's last travel ... 23,5 Kb
02.02.2001 15:28 Ndothu  I was chasing Shrenk through palanthas into southern gates and he disappeared right after he left them 2,8 Kb
02.02.2001 15:35 Ndothu  That happened right after i entered palanthas after i killed Shrenk 7,9 Kb
03.02.2001 12:59 Kalindra  Sorillion vs Derek and Tyris 7,7 Kb
04.02.2001 02:02 Darthy  Pk-reason to hunt bard ... bard killes LOOTS ( it's very strange if hear what he says) and quit 32,0 Kb
05.02.2001 02:39 Shanare  Fictional Parody v2 (right colors and minor addition) 4,2 Kb
05.02.2001 04:42 anaken  last words 6,3 Kb
05.02.2001 23:48 Zilav  Long long pwipe ago... (quest) 26,2 Kb
06.02.2001 03:07 Tantal  Serpent Selfirah 12,8 Kb
07.02.2001 12:31 Tornel  Vanish is still nice. 4,8 Kb
07.02.2001 13:59 Ndothu  I've chased Marzavan and Rentis around all Krynn. That was long. Finally, i found them in palanthas... 8,7 Kb
08.02.2001 17:24 Tornel  It was real fun! Check it out! 6,1 Kb
09.02.2001 21:57 Earwin  He-he. The teacher of heretics betrayed them. 1,3 Kb
10.02.2001 11:41 Iliena  Marla was spamsuicided this day,Olidem already died from Sfairat.He was in fury.. 13,5 Kb
10.02.2001 11:48 Iliena  My death.Was reequipping and almost finished. 7,5 Kb
10.02.2001 13:37 Kalindra  I wonder is this a bug?? :)) 0,1 Kb
10.02.2001 17:06 Sibald  One Fight from the past. 80,7 Kb
10.02.2001 18:28 Iliena  Dumb fight.From both sides 5,4 Kb
10.02.2001 18:48 Kalindra  Some kind of conflict with unknown start 83,7 Kb
11.02.2001 04:25 Sfairat  Sfairat vs Olidem(some nice eqed heretic shadow, with bad link) 20,8 Kb
11.02.2001 15:46 Jostin  Confused Unseen God 4,2 Kb
11.02.2001 18:41 Sibald  Leader of Guardians vs Leader of Heretics(fun last pwipe) 41,5 Kb
11.02.2001 18:51 Sibald  One more funny log from the past 96,6 Kb
11.02.2001 20:52 Torr  Bajoi+beer 14,5 Kb
13.02.2001 05:05 Shamil  Shamil vs Bonador 8,3 Kb
13.02.2001 14:50 Shonsu  Funny story :) (Part 1) 121,4 Kb
13.02.2001 14:56 Shonsu  Funy strory (Part 2) 153,9 Kb
15.02.2001 03:05 Endorat  Massacre in Pax-Tharkas turned against whose who started it. 100,6 Kb
15.02.2001 15:21 Avdubem  Knight died from .. influenza? 12,4 Kb
15.02.2001 16:21 Tirius  Long fight - our evil group against Dalt+Eleum.Fight of 15-19 ranks. 58,9 Kb
15.02.2001 18:55 Scinc  Knights attack me in town! 1,0 Kb
17.02.2001 06:19 Yehat  Knight's courage 13,5 Kb
18.02.2001 13:37 Rilgar  Rilgar+Zorn(2 shadow assassins) vs Fert+Azar(2 knights) 15,6 Kb
18.02.2001 18:45 Shapa&Kn1ghT  Impudence 31,8 Kb
19.02.2001 14:57 Roid  Deamed folowers of hereticks who Kill without reason... 94,1 Kb
20.02.2001 18:54 Bajoi  Eleum died again 112,0 Kb
21.02.2001 17:27 HighWay  A small talk with Saorlin, applicant of Heretics 1,5 Kb
22.02.2001 16:39 Klopsik  Crime and Laaw 20,8 Kb
23.02.2001 13:54 Vigfrotha  *Guards rock.* Well, like a previous log. 19,5 Kb
23.02.2001 16:05 RaD  tip 4 evil cleric *) 2,0 Kb
24.02.2001 17:16 Siorosh  Small log from the sweet past times... 38,0 Kb
27.02.2001 06:27 Moert  It's most liked moment of game for today 28,5 Kb
28.02.2001 07:09 Selma  About applicants and clanmembers (it is not about all) 30,4 Kb

From http://solace.allnetwork.ru logs forum