Logs 1-33 of 33
Date / Time
01.03.2002 04:57 Sef  For the love of... RP, anyone? 3,9 Kb
02.03.2002 01:27 Navar  What do you think? Neutral or Evil? 5,7 Kb
02.03.2002 15:37 Rivalna  Hail the new heretics 0,3 Kb
03.03.2002 16:27 narab  Gahzar, you'r wrong. Cows are lucky ;) 15,2 Kb
04.03.2002 00:02 Green  Wow, look at the slayage! 0,9 Kb
04.03.2002 06:28 Navar  Nope. Things haven't changed. 4,4 Kb
05.03.2002 00:47 Quivaloth  The Epitome of Bad timing (unless you are Asteris) 19,6 Kb
05.03.2002 09:02 Quivaloth  Wow! Narab can kick my ass. 11,4 Kb
06.03.2002 02:03 Navar  Lmfao. Boy are you stupid. 3,8 Kb
07.03.2002 10:34 Quivaloth  Heretics!!! (part 1) 15,8 Kb
09.03.2002 10:15 Quivaloth  Log Request....Anything 0,3 Kb
09.03.2002 10:35 Aergon  Anything? Well, let it be anything. 81,2 Kb
09.03.2002 12:31 Eleitha  Some fights with Taves.He is the only enemy i've met in past 3 days. 469,5 Kb
09.03.2002 18:06 Taves  Taves vs Hataldir 14,0 Kb
12.03.2002 07:18 Navar  Not only do we get flourentine, by god! 1,0 Kb
13.03.2002 04:39 Quivaloth  Hulik 1,9 Kb
15.03.2002 07:24 vantala  Varioz, Alezah and most dangerous guy... lag 337,2 Kb
16.03.2002 00:43 Folken  they wanted to steal my weapons! 255,1 Kb
16.03.2002 16:41 Eleitha  Gareynda+semaj vs me,malekith,lerdinal and brahmep 386,1 Kb
16.03.2002 22:23 Mollin  Rokoth the Peacekeepr and my first raid against a player 272,9 Kb
17.03.2002 08:23 Giterai  Giterai vs Gareynda 41,9 Kb
18.03.2002 20:58 Illiet  My cruel hold(and some beer!!! :)) 10,9 Kb
19.03.2002 15:19 Mudduck  Maharj vs Retana aka 31 vs 35 11,1 Kb
20.03.2002 04:34 Taroli  Biggest BULLSHIT I have seen in a long time 14,4 Kb
20.03.2002 14:31 Alezath  Clowns in the Guardians 5,4 Kb
22.03.2002 14:52 Rual  NEW: New reason for deny. 9,7 Kb
23.03.2002 07:17 Hulik  It's easy being a Heretic 13,2 Kb
24.03.2002 05:06 Enfisto  And how I am supposed to fight him? 4,1 Kb
24.03.2002 11:54 Quivaloth  If Jaynus complains about being a heretic..... 1,6 Kb
25.03.2002 12:43 Isyndir  The Light always wins, or no more slavery on the Krynn 68,0 Kb
29.03.2002 05:17 Maniacus  Guards do they work good, like always *smirk 3,2 Kb
30.03.2002 22:18 Aergon  Duelists 22,5 Kb
31.03.2002 04:38 Maniacus  Greatest of all skeletons! 1,5 Kb

From http://solace.allnetwork.ru logs forum